zMormon Newsroom

A Global Prophet: President Nelson Visits Six Continents

17 December 2018


Since becoming the president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in January 2018, the 94-year-old Russell M. Nelson has kept up a ministering travel schedule that would wear out many people decades his junior. While God gives him the grace of good health, the prophet is doing his best to carry out the commission given by Jesus two millennia ago to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19, NIV).

President Nelson travels to familiarize others with his prophetic role; to reach out to Latter-day Saints, government officials and community leaders; and — most importantly — to share his witness of the Savior of the world.

“The Lord’s message is for everyone,” President Nelson said in April. “This is a global work. Whenever I’m comfortably situated in my home, I’m in the wrong place. I need to be where the people are. We need to bring them the message of the Savior.”

President Nelson and his wife, Wendy, visited Latter-day Saints and others on six continents. In February they spoke to millennials in Las Vegas. In what was described as a “global tour,” in April they visited England, Israel, Kenya, Zimbabwe, India, Thailand and China before visiting Latter-day Saints in Hawaii on the way home. In June and August they made stops at four provinces in Canada. In early September President Nelson comforted hurricane survivors in the Caribbean. In mid-September he and Wendy spoke to 49,000 people at Safeco Field in Seattle. In October they visited five countries in South America and dedicated a new temple in Chile. In November they spoke to some 24,000 Latter-day Saints at the Alamodome in Texas.

While in the Holy Land in April, President Nelson offered his witness to the reality of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The footage was subsequently published in the faith’s “Special Witnesses of Christ” video series.

Standing on the Mount of Olives in April with Jerusalem behind him, President Russell M. Nelson shared his witness of the Savior: “As the Only Begotten Son of our Almighty God, Jesus was the only perfect man to walk the earth. In New Testament days, Jesus established His Church, built on the foundation of apostles and prophets.”


Below are five of the most-viewed Newsroom videos documenting President Nelson’s travels.


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