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Addiction Recovery Program Name Change Emphasizes Healing Begins With Jesus Christ

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has changed the name of its program that helps people struggling with or affected by addictions to Healing through the Savior: The Addiction Recovery Program.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has changed the name of its program that helps people struggling with or affected by addictions to Healing through the Savior: The Addiction Recovery Program. It also released an updated 12-step recovery guide in connection with the revised program name.

These changes emphasize that healing from addictive and compulsive behaviors begins as participants turn their hearts to the Savior, Jesus Christ. The program encourages greater connection with God and increased support from others.

The addiction recovery program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints includes a confidential network of support and online resources that help participants experience a change of heart and find healing.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Increasing the Focus on Christ

“Changing the name to focus more on Jesus Christ emphasizes the healing that comes through Him and His atonement,” said Blaine Maxfield, managing director of the Church’s Welfare and Self-Reliance Services. “Although it may take time, overcoming trials and addictions is possible through Jesus Christ. Through participation in Healing through the Savior: The Addiction Recovery Program, individuals can find hope, healing and strength to rebuild their lives by turning to the Savior.”

The addiction recovery program’s 12-step framework helps participants overcome addictive and compulsive behaviors through inspired principles of recovery: honesty, hope, trust in God, humility and forgiveness. It includes a confidential network of support and online resources that help them experience a change of heart and find healing.

The addiction recovery program’s 12-step framework helps participants overcome addictive and compulsive behaviors through inspired principles of recovery: honesty, hope, trust in God, humility, and forgiveness. 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The free and confidential recovery groups, which are not limited to Church members, are available worldwide in person or virtually. They are led by service missionaries. Groups also have facilitators who are living in recovery and desire to support others who want to heal. In 2023, addiction recovery meetings were held in 30 different countries and in 17 different languages. Virtual and in-person meeting times and locations are listed on addictionrecovery.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

Finding Strength in the Lord

The Church’s addiction recovery program is about supporting and connecting with each other in overcoming addiction, but it’s also about connecting with the Savior, Jesus Christ. He wants to help us in our trials, and He is the source of healing.

“The Savior is keenly aware of all of our trials and struggles,” said Ben Erwin, a Family Services therapist who manages the addiction recovery program. “When we gather to support each other in overcoming this challenge through Him, my experience is that He is there with us.”

Visit addictionrecovery.ChurchofJesusChrist.org to find a meeting. The website also includes stories of hope, videos and support group guides. You can also listen to podcasts of recorded meetings to learn more about what a meeting is like.

Free and confidential addiction recovery groups, which are not limited to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, are available worldwide in person or virtually. They are led by volunteer facilitators, many of whom have recovered from their own addiction-related challenges. 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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