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- MTC-seminar-2025
- MTC-seminar-2025
- MTC-seminar-2025
- MTC-seminar-2025
- MTC-seminar-2025
- MTC-seminar-2025
- MTC-seminar-2025
- MTC-seminar-2025
- MTC-seminar-2025
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This story appears here courtesy of TheChurchNews.com. It is not for use by other media.
By Scott Taylor, Church News
This story appears here courtesy of TheChurchNews.com. It is not for use by other media.
By Scott Taylor, Church News
Before beginning their service in the Church’s missionary training centers worldwide, the 11 new MTC leadership couples gathered to hear from members of the Missionary Executive Council and leaders of the Missionary Department.
During the 2025 Seminar for New MTC leaders — January 21-24 at the Provo Missionary Training Center — they listened to Elder Quentin L. Cook and Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Both are on the Missionary Executive Council, chaired by Elder Cook.
The two each acknowledged President Russell M. Nelson’s emphasis on the gathering of Israel and his October 2024 general conference statement: “Do you see what is happening right before our eyes? I pray that we will not miss the majesty of this moment. The Lord is indeed hastening His work.”
Said Elder Rasband: “That is our day. That is your day. That is the field you are going out into. Don’t miss it.”
Other Missionary Executive Council members presenting at the seminar were Elder W. Mark Bassett, a General Authority Seventy and Missionary Department executive director; Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman; and Sister Amy A. Wright, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency. Elder Michael T. Ringwood of the Presidency of the Seventy spoke at the January 21 weekly Provo MTC devotional attended by new MTC leaders as part of their seminar.
The seven General Authority Seventies, who are assistant executive directors in the Missionary Department, and senior department leaders also led sessions.
Sessions taught how the Missionary Purpose aligns with the gospel of Christ, the doctrine of Christ, the house of the Lord, missionary standards and the righteous use of technology. Other topics included the Book of Mormon, ecclesiastical responsibilities and administrative roles, overseeing medical and emotional issues, and helping missionaries become lifelong disciples of Christ.
All underscored the importance of teaching the Savior when training new missionaries.
For example, Elder Rasband recalled when he was the new president of the New York North Mission, and some missionaries were casual in obedience, even after repeated reminders.
Sister Melanie Rasband, his wife and mission leadership companion, suggested a new emphasis — teaching the missionaries more about Jesus Christ — and what Elder Rasband called “a little formula”: “The more we know Him, the more we’ll love Him; the more we love Him, the greater our desire to serve Him.”
Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, right, speaks during the 2025 Seminar for New MTC Leaders at the Provo Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah, on Friday, January 24, 2025. Behind him are Elder W. Mark Bassett, executive director of the Missionary Department, and Elder Jörg Klebingat, an assistant executive director. Photo by Laura Seitz, courtesy of Church News.Copyright 2025 Deseret News Publishing Company.Several months later, the missionaries showed great growth — not only in obedience but in all aspects of their missionary and personal lives, Elder Rasband said.
“You will launch these missionaries for the rest of their missions,” he told the new MTC leaders, who will have missionaries training from one to nine weeks. “However long you have them, you will always imprint their lives as missionaries. Focus them on Jesus Christ from the get-go, and they will serve Him because they love Him.”
What MTC Leaders, Managers Said
For the seminar sessions, the 11 new MTC leadership couples sat beside the manager of operations from their respective MTCs, with the presidents and companions focused on their ecclesiastical roles and the managers having responsibilities over operational functions, including faculty and staff, meals, housing and transportation.
The seminar “is a great grounding in foundational principles of the missionary purpose and how that purpose would animate not only the missionaries’ mission experiences but their whole lives,” said President Myles Proudfoot, the new president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo MTC.
Added Sister Julie Proudfoot: “It has been very nice being here, learning from the Missionary Department some of the expectations, and just giving us confidence to go and do what they’ve asked us to do.”
President Proudfoot said he appreciated connecting and training during the seminar with DR Congo’s manager of operations, Solomon Amoah. “Being an MTC president has many similarities to being a mission president, but there is an operational side that is different. For a mission president, it’s ‘Go, go, go,’ and everything is on your shoulders, whereas in the MTC, there’s a staff, and so there’s more time to be focused on the ecclesiastical matters.”
Sister Julie Proudfoot, right, and her husband, President Myles Proudfoot — new leaders for the Democratic Republic of the Congo Missionary Training Center — speak with Elder Jörg Klebingat, a General Authority Seventy and assistant executive director of the Missionary Department, between sessions of the 2025 Seminar for New MTC Leaders at the Provo Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah, on Friday, January 24, 2025. Photo by Laura Seitz, courtesy of Church News.Copyright 2025 Deseret News Publishing Company.Timena Gasu, manager of operations at the New Zealand MTC, said she appreciated getting acquainted with President David E. Young and Sister Rae Lou Young at the seminar before the Youngs start their MTC leadership service in Auckland, New Zealand.
“It has been a great insight from me to be able to spend this time with them,” Gasu said, “and to learn from them as well as for them to learn from me. … I know they will be able to lead and direct the missionaries in the Lord’s way, as I’ve seen them in action here at the seminar.”
George Rahlf, center, manager of operations at the Provo Missionary Training Center, speaks during a session of the 2025 Seminar for New MTC Leaders at the Provo MTC in Provo, Utah, on Friday, January 24, 2025. Photo by Laura Seitz, courtesy of Church News.Copyright 2025 Deseret News Publishing Company.New MTC Leaders
Attending the 2025 Seminar for New MTC Leaders were the following, with the respective manager of operations included:
Brazil Missionary Training Center, in São Paulo, Brazil: President Milton Camargo and Sister Patricia Camargo; Mario Dias.
Democratic Republic of the Congo Missionary Training Center, in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo: President Myles Proudfoot and Sister Julie Proudfoot; Solomon Amoah.
England Missionary Training Center, in Preston, England: President Elmer L. Heap Jr. and Sister Amy Hobson Heap; Faith Dimartino.
Ghana Missionary Training Center in Accra, Ghana: President J. Benoit Duquette and Sister Diane Duquette; Patrick Appianti.
Mexico Missionary Training Center, in Mexico City, Mexico: President Abel Ruiz and Sister Rocio Ruiz; Nicolás Castañeda.
New Zealand Missionary Training Center, in Auckland, New Zealand: President David E. Young and Sister Rae Lou Young; Timena Gasu.
Peru Missionary Training Center, in Lima, Peru: President Jorge Antonio Chacón and Sister Moraima J. Chacón; Julián Palacio.
Philippines Missionary Training Center, in Manila, Philippines: President Manuel M. Agustin and Sister Bernadette Mari B. Agustin; Jovanne Lopez (also Thailand MTC).
Provo Missionary Training Center, in Provo, Utah: President Stephen W. Owen and Sister Jane S. Owen; George Rahlf.
South Africa Missionary Training Center, in Johannesburg, South Africa: President Gordon J. Hall and Sister Janis Hall; Tshepiso Mqadi.
Thailand Missionary Training Center, in Bangkok, Thailand: President Jeffrey C. Harper and Sister Kim E. Harper; Jovanne Lopez (also Philippines MTC).