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Audio and Video Interview Clips from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's Visit to the House of Lords

Downloadable 1080p HD Video Clips

Downloadable 1080p HD Baroness Emma Nicholson SOTs

Downloadable Baroness Emma Nicholson SOT #1

"I invited Elder Holland to come to the House of Lords today to meet with a number of my fellow peers — members of the House of Lords. We are all parties, the group that he’s going to meet, and all backgrounds and all knowledge in a sense, and I want him to share his deep reservoir of knowledge and understanding. His heart, his head and his wisdom, everything that he gives me when I visit him in Salt Lake, I want to share that with my colleagues."

Downloadable Baroness Emma Nicholson SOT #2

"I believe that the APPG event today will broaden understanding and deepen a concern for the poor of the globe. My colleagues here on all sides of the House work mightily to help people and are always looking for knowledge and ways that we can do more."

Downloadable Baroness Emma Nicholson SOT #3

"I’d like us to do about 10 times more together because apart we’re weaker [and] together we’re truly powerful with the best of ethics and the best of principles being put into practice for some of the worst-hit people of the globe."

Downloadable 1080p HD Elder Jeffrey R. Holland SOTs

Downloadable Elder Jeffrey R. Holland SOT #1

"It is through the generosity and the interest of our British associates that I was invited to speak in the House of Lords today. I’ll be documenting our most recent contributions and service, talking a little bit about liaison and associations and shared service and why we do it — why it is something a Church, a religious organization, would do. It’s a nice way to talk about the gospel of Jesus Christ."

Downloadable Elder Jeffrey R. Holland SOT #2

"I don’t think we’ve had a — that I know of — I don’t think we’ve had a comparable invitation to speak before a House of Parliament. And it’s just a lovely recognition that the Church is doing good work. We have limited resources, we can’t do everything in the world, but we’re doing more and more."

Downloadable Elder Jeffrey R. Holland SOT #3

"Inasmuch as we’ve been invited to be here — we didn’t initiate this — I think that suggests that these members of Parliament, particularly in the House of Lords, are interested in what we’re doing. They’re doing many of these same kind of things, and I believe now they see us as a significant partner, a significant contributor, and I think they want to build that relationship."

Downloadable Elder Jeffrey R. Holland SOT #4

"It’s important for us and it’s important for people to know that virtually all of our humanitarian service, our LDS Charities service, is outside the Church; it is not directed toward members. This is a charitable service anywhere it is needed in the world and that too is being newly and more widely recognized."

Downloadable 1080p HD Sharon Eubank SOTs

Downloadable Sharon Eubank SOT #1

"There’s two causes that create humanitarian crises — one of them is corruption and the other one is conflict — and for the chance to be able to be in British Parliament speaking with decision makers, policy makers, that affect those two things is a great opportunity."

Downloadable Sharon Eubank SOT #2

"There’s so much work that has to be done, there’s so much suffering that it isn’t possible for any one organization to do it, and in a simpler time, you know, we may have said, we’ll just go and do it on our own, we have our own funding, but in this kind of an organization and kind of a time there’s no possible way to do that. AMAR is fearless in going after the people who have nobody else as a voice."

Downloadable Sharon Eubank SOT #3

"I’m a great believer in that organizations like this do a great amount of good, governments do a great amount of good, but I don’t think anything is more important than what individuals do on their own. I think the best kind of charity happens with relationships, and each person has the ability to do that on their own — you don’t have to belong to an organization, you don’t have to be a part of government. Every person can do that. I think that was the message of Christianity."

Downloadable 1080p HD Elder Jeffrey R. Holland SOTs (after speaking at the All-Party Parliamentary Group in the UK House of Lords)

Downloadable Elder Jeffrey R. Holland SOT #1

"My particular message was that we had a distinctive advantage as a religion organization, as a church, believing what we believe about the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood and sisterhood of men and women. And that we were not only obligated but empowered in the gospel of Jesus Christ to reach out, to care for the poor, to clothe the naked, to feed the hungry."

Downloadable Elder Jeffrey R. Holland SOT #2

"It was a wonderful privilege to have apostolic presence and participation in the storied, legendary Houses of Parliament and the Palace at Westminster. We haven’t had that opportunity as much in the past. I suspect we’ll have more and more such opportunities in the future. It was a great privilege for me. I enjoyed the afternoon very much." 

Downloadable 1080p HD B-roll 

Downloadable Baroness Emma Nicholson and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland Greeting B-roll

Downloadable Audio Clips

Click here for SoundCloud Playlist

Baroness Emma Nicholson Audio Clips

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland Audio Clips

Sharon Eubank Audio Clips

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