News Release

Renderings and Locations Available for the Cape Town South Africa and Querétaro Mexico Temples

New details are available for the Cape Town South Africa and the Querétaro Mexico Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The construction of both temples was first announced by President and Prophet Russell M. Nelson at the April 2021 general conference.

Cape Town South Africa Temple

The rendering of the Cape Town South Africa Temple.2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The Cape Town South Africa Temple will be located at 3 Liesbeek Avenue, Observatory, in Cape Town. This will be a single-story, 9,500 square-foot temple built on a 3.79-acre site. A meetinghouse and arrival center will accompany the temple.

This house of the Lord in Cape Town will be South Africa’s third temple. The Johannesburg South Africa Temple and the Durban South Africa Temple are the other two. Some 69,000 Latter-day Saints worship in nearly 195 congregations throughout the country.

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Querétaro Mexico Temple

The Querétaro Mexico Temple will be built on a 3.58-acre site at Prolongación Tecnológico Norte 150 Col San Pablo, Querétaro, Querétaro, CP 76130 Mexico. Plans call for a two-story temple of approximately 27,500 square feet.

The rendering of the Queretaro Mexico Temple. 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The Querétaro Temple will be the 14th in Mexico. Dedicated temples are located in Guadalajara, Hermosillo Sonora, Merida, Mexico City, Monterrey, Oaxaca, Tampico, Tijuana, Veracruz, and Villahermosa. One temple in Puebla is under construction, and two other temples were announced for Torreon and Culiacan. Mexico is home to 1.5 million Latter-day Saints.

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