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By Mary Richards, Church News
With a desire to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and live the two great commandments, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints engaged in 4,119 humanitarian projects in 191 countries and territories in 2023, with $1.36 billion in expenditures, according the annual Caring for Those in Need 2023 Summary.
The Church and its members strive to care for those in need as Christ did during His mortal ministry. Through volunteer service, collaborations with organizations, and donations, the Church provides worldwide aid and service to all of God’s children with the hope of building self-reliance.
The greatest growth in the Church’s work to care for those in need is taking place through humanitarian outreach. Through funding and commodities, the Church supports thousands of humanitarian projects. These projects benefit millions of God’s children across the world, without regard to race, nationality or religious affiliation.
Worldwide Aid
- 921 women and children projects
- 601 health care projects
- 530 food security projects
- 415 emergency relief projects
- 206 clean water, hygiene and sanitation projects
- 64 mobility projects
Health Care and Mobility
- 25,786 wheelchairs donated
- 29 vision projects
- 73 maternal and newborn care projects
Feeding the Hungry
- 530 food security projects
- 71 nutrition projects
- Projects implemented in 94 countries
Clean Water and Sanitation
- 112 clean water projects
- 94 sanitation and hygiene projects
- Projects implemented throughout 73 countries
Emergency Relief
- 415 emergency relief projects
- 94 countries aided
- 113 emergency projects aiding displaced persons
SOURCE: Caring for Those in Need: 2023 Summary
What Leaders Say
“The two great commandments can guide us: first, to love God, and, second, to love our neighbor. We show our love by serving.” — President Russell M. Nelson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (“What We Are Learning and Will Never Forget,” April 2021 general conference).
“When we are engaged in service to others, we think less about ourselves, and the Holy Ghost can more readily come to us and help us in our lifelong quest to have the gift of charity bestowed upon us.” — President Henry B. Eyring, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, “Inspired Ministering” (April 2018 general conference).
“Who is our neighbor? Everyone is our neighbor. ... We reach out to everyone, whatever their circumstances may be, wherever they may be from, whatever race or religion. We’re here to bless everyone that we can bless.” — Bishop W. Christopher Waddell, First Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric (Church News interview).

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