Artists Jordin Sparks and Jordan Smith and open the “Together in Christ” concert at the Delta Center in Salt Lake City on Saturday, August 5, 2023. The concert kicked off the Utah Area Young Single Adult Conference. 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 10 |
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By Jessica Lawrence, Church News
A concert with OneRepublic seemed to be the right choice in kicking off the Church’s monthlong Utah Area YSA conference.
Many young adults at the ”Together in Christ” concert called the event “unprecedented.” The concert sold out weeks in advance and was relocated from Provo to the Delta Center in Salt Lake City.
Nearly 13,600 attended the event, including a 1,000-person choir of young adults from Salt Lake City, Provo, Heber Valley and Vernal, who performed with opening artists Jordan Smith and Jordin Sparks.
Choir members said the concert was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
“They reached a lot of people that they wouldn’t have reached otherwise. ... I’m really grateful they did it,” said Jennifer Balch, a member of the choir.

Young adults attend the “Together in Christ” concert at the Delta Center in Salt Lake City on Saturday, August 5, 2023. The concert kicked off the Utah Area Young Single Adult Conference.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The concert kicked off with a drone light show, and new videos from the Church were shown throughout the event, sparking a lot of cheering from the young adult audience. Before OneRepublic hit the stage, the BYU Cougarettes performed with a drone light show above them.
During the concert, the performers added their own spiritual sentiments while on stage. “My prayer is that everything I do reflects God’s goodness and His love,” said Smith, first in the lineup of singers for the evening.
Smith said he learned a “new song” just for the concert and proceeded to sing a rendition of “I’m Trying To Be Like Jesus.” The crowd joined in and at the end of the song cheered with extra enthusiasm for the familiar Primary song.
“It’s incredible to come together and fellowship and have a good time,” said Sparks, a musical artist and sixth winner of “American Idol.” “I’m really grateful for Jesus’ role in my life and how He’s been with me through my journey.”
Tanner McKay, who attended the concert with his sister, Hannah McKay, felt at home at the young single adult event.

Young adults attend the “Together in Christ” concert at a packed Delta Center in Salt Lake City on Saturday, August 5, 2023. The concert kicked off the Utah Area Young Single Adult Conference.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.“This is your community, there is a place for you here,” he said. “You don’t have to find all these cool things out in the world, you can find them here among your fellow Latter-day Saints.”
His sister said the concert was successful in attracting a big audience. “Music connects all types of people,” said Hannah McKay.
Other attendees, including a group of friends — Ryleigh Homer, Emily Rhead and Kylah Hinton — were impressed that the Church got a band like OneRepublic to perform for its young adult members.
“I was surprised that they got such a big headliner,” Rhead said. “I think it’s great. I think it’s nice that they’re looking toward the future and wanting the YSA age to have activities to look forward to and to meet new friends and to be involved, because it’s a time when a lot of people slip away from the Church and struggle.”
Hinton agreed.
“In the last few years the Church has really tried to become more inclusive, and I think [the concert] is one of those ways,” Hinton said.
Christian Hansen and Joakim Ronström, young adult Latter-day Saints from Sweden, talked about the similarities the “Together in Christ” concert felt to Festinord — a Church-sponsored conference for young single adults in Nordic countries. “It’s just like it,” they said. They loved the event and were impressed with OneRepublic as the headliner.
“It gives people a chance to meet and also have fun,” Ronström said.
Even though there are many young single adults in Utah, Hansen talked about how it’s still “very easy to feel alone.”
“This event brings everyone together,” Hansen said, “and brings out some of the happiness that we are supposed to get from the gospel.”
One video during the concert talked about the loneliness felt among young adults — sharing that 61% of young adults suffer from it. A portion of the crowd’s bracelets began glowing orange, and the narrator of the video asked those whose bracelets were glowing to raise their hands. The glowing bracelets represented the percentage of the attendees who fall into the statistic.
However, the video ended with hope: “[Jesus Christ] suffered so no one has to be alone.”
Ellis Lucero, co-chair of the “Together in Christ” conference, was grateful to be involved in planning the event.
“Holy cow,” he said. “This … is unprecedented, the first of its kind. This has been awesome.”
Lucero continued, “I think this is a fantastic way for young single adults of all different ages, from all different backgrounds, from all different circumstances and situations to come together and be one in Christ. I’m so glad the Church did this.”

Young adults line up outside the Delta Center in Salt Lake City to attend the “Together in Christ” concert at the Delta Center in Salt Lake City on Saturday, August 5, 2023. The concert kicked off the Utah Area Young Single Adult Conference.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The theme — Together in Christ — was meant to tell young adults that “no matter how alone you feel, no matter what you’ve done, no matter what has been done to you, no matter what you believe, there is always something that ties you together with everyone else, and it is the Savior,” Lucero said. “And what better way to celebrate that than music.”
“We are one in Christ,” he said. “What I hope is driven home in the hearts of every single adult tonight is that there is a place for them here, that they are loved, they are wanted and that they belong. It doesn’t matter where they are on their journey, they belong, and we want them here.”
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