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Elder Andersen Testifies of Jesus Christ to Pacific Area Saints

‘My faith ... has been channeled into a sure and certain witness that He lives,’ the Apostle says

Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles greeting members following a special conference in Rockingham, Western Australia, on November 13, 2022.2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
bore witness of the Savior Jesus Christ during each meeting with leaders, members, missionaries and friends of the Church during an assignment to New Zealand, Fiji and Australia November 3-15.

“As a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, I witness that I have experienced sacred moments, unforgettable, powerful spiritual experiences and my faith, which is a simple faith, has been channeled into a sure and certain witness that He lives, that He was resurrected, and that He is our Savior and Redeemer,” he said in his concluding testimony in Perth, Western Australia.

New Zealand

“There is a great power in a person’s individual faith in Jesus Christ,” the Apostle taught in New Zealand on November 6.


In Fiji on November 10, Elder Andersen promised mission leader couples who oversee the gathering of Israel in Australia, New Zealand, and the isles of the South Pacific that the Lord would inspire them to know what was needed to help young missionaries to become Christlike leaders.

“You will know God is speaking to you. You will have confidence that you are hearing Him and that your prayers will be answered,” he said. Rejoice in your service and in their knowledge that the Lord “knows you and loves you.”

President T. Eleni Kinikini and his wife, Eusenia, mission leaders for Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, said they felt “uplifted” and “rejuvenated” after spending time with the Apostle, other leaders and their fellow mission leaders.

Elder Andersen was accompanied in Fiji by members of the Pacific Area Presidency and their wives: Elder K. Brett Nattress and Sister Shawna Nattress; Elder Peter F. Meurs and Sister Maxine Meurs; and Elder Taniela Wakolo and Sister Anita Wakolo.

Elder Andersen also ministered to young and senior missionaries from the Fiji Suva Mission, teaching them from the words of President Russell M. Nelson “to take charge of [their] own testimony of Jesus Christ and His gospel. Work for it. Nurture it so that it will grow. Feed it truth” (“Overcome the World and Find Rest,” October 2022 general conference).

“Make [your testimony] your greatest priority and watch for miracles,” Elder Andersen said. “If you acknowledge miracles in your life, you will see that they happen more often. Start believing.”

Sister Kathy Andersen speaks to missionaries serving in Fiji, November 10, 2022.2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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“We pray for miracles in our own lives,” Sister Kathy Andersen said. “We pray for ourselves, but the great lesson I have learned is that God gives miracles to someone else through us. God is a God of miracles, yesterday, today and forever.”

Elder Andersen invited missionaries to “research five verses from the New Testament and memorize them. Start working harder to put the words of Christ into your mind and heart so you can speak as He did.”

He then asked them to choose five verses to memorize from The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ that teach of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. “Love them and make them yours. Learning these can change your life.”

“When you need them, the Lord will put the words on the tip of your tongue,” Elder Andersen promised.

Sister Camryn Stone, a young missionary serving in the Fiji Suva Mission, said she enjoyed being taught by Elder Andersen. “If I keep the words of Christ in my mind and in my heart, I will be ready to help people learn the truth about Him.”

There are 17 missions in the region — in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and other countries and territories of the South Pacific.


Elder and Sister Andersen concluded their visit to the South Pacific in Perth, Western Australia. Around 4,000 people attended a devotional on Saturday, November 12, either in person or via broadcast. Approximately 1,500 people attended two special conferences on Sunday, November 13.

In a meeting with leaders of Latter-day Saint congregations from across Perth on Saturday morning, Elder Andersen quoted President Nelson from October’s general conference: “In coming days, we will see the greatest manifestations of the Savior’s power that the world has ever seen. Between now and the time He returns ‘with power and great glory’ (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:36), He will bestow countless privileges, blessings, and miracles upon the faithful.”

“The miracles of the Lord are real,”  Elder Andersen said, encouraging participants to “see through believing eyes, trust Him, trust in your faith and look for things that happen to you.”

In a meeting with missionaries serving in Perth later that day, Elder Andersen said, “Every time you bear witness of the Savior and His mission, you are fulfilling your calling and purpose as a missionary.”

He further urged them to “go before your Heavenly Father in prayer and seek His strength and power of faith to keep strong all the days of your life.”

On Saturday evening, Elder Andersen met with members and friends of the Church from across Perth. The meeting was broadcast to other Church congregations and members’ homes across Western Australia.

Sister Andersen shared her experience of being taught by her mother the importance of paying tithing. She said that “10% belonged to the Lord” and she wanted “to be right with the Lord.”

Elder Andersen added that “tithing is so very important to the multi-generational nature of the Church.” He quoted President Gordon B. Hinckley, who said that tithing “is not so much a matter of money as it is a matter of faith” (“Let Us Move This Work Forward” October 1985 general conference).

“I want to leave a feeling of hope and a feeling of anticipation and expectation on your part that we will be there with the Savior,” Elder Andersen said. “That it won’t be a small group, but they will come from every nation, every continent, every race and every culture.”

Elder Peter F Meurs of the the Seventy addressing members at the Western Australia state-wide Devotional© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Elder Meurs of the area presidency invited participants to “come back to the Savior by partaking of the sacrament” and “to come to His house, the Temple of the Lord.”

Geoff Grant, a Latter-day Saint leader living and serving in Perth, said he felt inspired to take time each day to find the Savior. “I find Him in prayer. I find Him in the scriptures. I find Him listening to His servants. I find Him at the sacrament table. I find Him in the temple. I know we don’t have to look too hard to find Him. I testify that He lives.”

Kate Anderson, who also participated in the meeting with Church members in Perth, said she felt happy to gather with other saints to hear an Apostle of the Lord. “I loved it when Elder Andersen said to have hope in the future and to be confident in what the Savior can do for me,” she said.

Jared Hemara, a young man preparing to serve a mission, said, “I felt like there were a lot of personal messages reminding me of the path I am walking down. The quote that stood out to me was when Elder Andersen said we will be judged by our work in ‘our sphere of influence.’ It reminded me we all play an important role in the gathering of Israel.”

At a special conference for members and friends of the Church from Rockingham and surrounding areas on Sunday morning, Elder Andersen thanked those attending for having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

“The power of a father and a mother putting indelible faith in a child is great,” he said, encouraging parents to teach their children about the Holy Ghost and to have hope in the future and in the eternities.

Elder Neil L Andersen of The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles greeting members after Western Australia state-wide Devotional© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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“I bless you that you will see yourselves in a little greater way as eternal beings who are loved by your Heavenly Father and are prepared to come back and live with Him forever, and realize that this is part of your divine destiny,” he said.  “I bless you to receive assurances to your prayers, and in your very quiet moments, He will speak peace to your minds and give you confidence to have faith in Him, to give your lives for Him, and keep His commandments in all the ways you can.”

Annette Bennett, who attended the meeting, said she felt Elder Andersen’s love for Rockingham Stake saints as they sang the hymn “Behold A Royal Army.” “He was smiling with so much joy, the spirit touched my heart,” she said.

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