Following a week-long open house in April, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles rededicated the Memphis Tennessee Temple on Sunday, May 5, 2019, in one session. Members of the Church gathered in the temple for the sacred service.
The Memphis Tennessee Temple. 2019 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 15 |
The temple was originally completed in 2000 and dedicated April 23, 2000, by President James E. Faust, then-second counselor in the First Presidency of the Church. The temple serves Latter-day Saints in Memphis; Greater Little Rock, Arkansas; Searcy, Arkansas; and Tupelo, Mississippi.The temple is located at 4199 Kirby-Whitten Parkway in Bartlett, Tennessee, a community just outside Memphis.
The temple was redesigned to improve the entry and tower of the temple. The steeple was raised 10 feet from its existing height to better correspond with the revised entry. The building’s exterior is clad in a beige limestone.
Gold leaf pinstriping is seen in the instruction, celestial and sealing rooms. Art glass throughout the temple incorporates the infinity bell flower and lazy eight motif and is created in blues, greens and corals.
Antiqued bronze pendant lighting is featured throughout much of the temple. The neoclassic crystal and brass chandelier highlights the celestial and sealing rooms.
Daphne white stone tile from Sorrento, Florida, is utilized throughout the entry, baptistry and brides’ room.
Rugs feature a pawpaw flower field pattern with a lazy eight border in greens, blues and creams in the entry, waiting room and brides’ room.
The temple will resume operation on May 14, 2019. At that time, devout members may participate in the most sacred sacraments of the faith, called ordinances.
Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints differ from meetinghouses or chapels where members meet for Sunday worship services. Temples are considered “houses of the Lord” where Jesus Christ’s teachings are reaffirmed through baptism and other ordinances that unite families for eternity. In the temple, Church members learn more about the purpose of life and make covenants to follow Jesus Christ and serve their fellowman. Learn about the sacredness of a temple with two members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles by taking a virtual tour.