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Faith-Filled FSY Conferences Held in American Samoa, French Polynesia

The five-day events combined faith and fun for Latter-day Saint youth in the Pacific

Youth in French Polynesia participate in an activity during a FSY conference in July 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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This story appears here courtesy of TheChurchNews.com. It is not for use by other media.

By Rachel Sterzer Gibson, Church News

Youth from throughout the Pacific recently gathered for For the Strength of Youth (FSY) conferences held in American Samoa and the French Polynesian islands of Tahiti and Raiatea.

Young Latter-day Saints ages 14-18 studied the gospel, provided service, played games and renewed friendships during the five-day events.

Latter-day Saint youth in American Samoa embrace after an FSY conference held in July 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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In American Samoa, Elder Taniela B. Wakolo, a General Authority Seventy and counselor in the Pacific Area Presidency, and his wife, Sister Anita Wakolo, spoke during the conference via Zoom.

Elder Wakolo reminded the teens that “God loves you. He hears your prayers.”

One way the youth can hear Him, however, Elder Wakolo said, “is through daily studying the scriptures. In the scriptures you will find what you need to do to have happiness and peace amid the challenges you will face.”

Latter-day Saint youth in American Samoa participate in a tug-of-war game during a five-day FSY conference in July 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Elder Faapito Auapaau, an Area Seventy in American Samoa, told the Church’s Pacific Newsroom, “Lasting friendships were created from this FSY conference, and youth expressed tender feelings of love and respect towards one another.”

The FSY conference in French Polynesia gathered close to 800 youth in Tahiti and another 200 in Raiatea, according to Pacific Newsroom. The theme of the conferences was the 2023 Youth Theme found in Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

Latter-day Saint youth in French Polynesia participate in a game during a five-day FSY conference in July 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The youth participated in morning scripture study, daily devotionals, workshops, outdoor games, service opportunities and dancing.

Nahema Temarii, the French Polynesian minister of Sports, Youth and Crime Prevention, attended the opening ceremony for the conference in Tahiti and later posted on her social media account, “Tonight I met youth from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who are particularly committed to the challenges of today’s society. They understand the needs to support the leaders of tomorrow. The youth during this conference are learning through education, activities, and games. The organization is top-notch. It is professional and it’s beautiful. This is what our country needs.”

Latter-day Saint youth in French Polynesia participate in a five-day FSY conference held in July 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Following the conferences, youth made comments such as, “I’ve made a commitment to myself to improve the way I am with my family and my friends. FSY helped me to want to be more Christlike.”

Another youth said, “I learned that the best spiritual GPS in my life is to listen to the prophets,” while another commented, “My friends and I have been praying each morning on bended knees. My prayers have helped me to have more faith.”


Copyright 2023 Deseret News Publishing Company.

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