“The whole point of service is to help us bless other people because that is what Jesus did,” Elder David A. Bednar taught children during a Friend to Friend episode from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints streamed on Saturday, February 15, 2025. “And if we are His disciples, we should be looking for opportunities to serve and bless other people,” he said.
Elder Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Susan, visited with a Valiant-age class before and after an activity where the children learned how to plan, invite and serve.
Elder Bednar asked the class to identify a group service project that they could then plan and organize together. He invited them to work with their Primary teacher to identify the right people they could try to help.
“It is wonderful to serve individuals,” he said. “It is also incredible to organize and work together to serve other people.”
“I hope that you will always pray for the gift of the Holy Ghost to help you see the needs of other people,” said Sister Bednar.
In a February 15 social post, Elder Bednar shared, “Susan and I recently invited a Primary class to plan and participate in a service project together. As they shared their process with us, we were impressed with their thoughtfulness and preparation. They are shining examples of following the Savior Jesus Christ and serving others with love.”
A Friend to Friend video showed the Primary class planning to clean a city park and collect and package supplies for their elementary school. They made invitations for their service activity and handed them out. On the day of the service activity, children worked alongside youth and adults. They also drew pictures, made cards and assembled school supplies to donate.
“It made me feel good that everyone will be joining to help clean up the park that helps the community,” said Haolin Yang from the Primary class.

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Susan, stand with members of a Valiant-age Primary class who were featured in a Friend to Friend broadcast on Saturday, February 15, 2025. 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.When the children met again with Elder Bednar and Sister Bednar, Lucy Howcroft said she learned that service “could be something simple and still be fun.”
“When you are serving other people, you are serving God (Mosiah 2:17),” explained Elder Bednar. “Sometimes the best reward of serving someone else is that they do not know who did it. You are not serving so that people will tell you that you are wonderful. You serve because that is what Jesus would do.”
Sister Bednar testified that “Jesus truly is our Savior and our Redeemer, and He served just like you do.”
Elder Bednar closed with his witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He told the children that he loved them, and he thanked them for what they helped everyone learn through their service project.
During the episode, the Primary General Presidency — President Susan H. Porter and her counselors, Sister Amy A. Wright, and Sister Tracy Y. Browning; puppets Louie and Gilbert; and child hosts Millie Ferreira and Victor Batista used music, pictures and a craft to amplify the message that service increases children’s capacity to share Jesus Christ’s love.
Sister Browning explained that beginning in 2025, every Primary in the Church has been invited to plan a service activity. “You may be invited to help plan it,” she said. “You can invite your friends and neighbors. As you watch, think about what needs you see in your neighborhood that can bless the lives of children just like you.”
Sister Wright said that the wonderful thing about service is that “we bless the lives of others that we serve, and then our lives are blessed in return.”
Sister Browning added, “I think our Savior is always happy and pleased with us when we choose to serve others.”
A music video featured children singing “Holding Hands Around the World” in several languages. Then Millie and Victor taught the Primary leaders how to make a paper craft.
“I love knowing that we are all children of God, and He loves each one of us, and He wants us to help one another,” said President Porter. “I know that when we invite friends to gather to serve others, we will feel the Spirit because we know that we are doing Heavenly Father’s work. We are following Jesus' example of bringing His love and His joy to others.”
The episode is available to watch on Gospel Library, ChurchofJesusChrist.org, the Gospel Stream app or on the Gospel for Kids YouTube channels:
- Gospel for Kids YouTube (English)
- El Evangelio para niños YouTube (Spanish)
- Evangelho para Crianças YouTube (Portuguese)
Full or partial episodes may be used at home or in Primary to help teach children about their capacity to share the love of Jesus with others.
Previous Friend to Friend episodes have taught about the temple, the covenant path, baptism, the Holy Ghost, the sacrament and what it means to be a child of God.