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First Presidency Announcement: Missionary Health and Safety Guidelines

With the increasing high prevalence of serious mosquito-borne diseases in certain areas of the world, the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles announce a renewed emphasis on missionary health and safety guidelines and a new policy related to areas where mosquito-borne diseases are prevalent.

In furtherance of our continuing concern to protect the health of missionaries, we announce the following:

  1. The Church will now pay for permethrin insecticide solution and DEET-containing repellant for all missionaries worldwide. For many years, we have recommended that full-time missionaries serving in mosquito-infested areas wear permethrin-treated clothing and regularly apply DEET-containing repellants.
  2. We strongly recommend that missionaries serving in areas where mosquito-borne diseases are highly prevalent (see attached list of missions) wear clothing that covers exposed skin—especially arms and legs. With this announcement, sisters serving in these areas are encouraged to wear full-length dress slacks during proselyting activities. Examples of the new dress guidelines for these areas may be viewed on the “Missionary Dress and Grooming Guidelines” page of Sisters will continue to wear skirts or dresses when attending the temple, during Sunday worship services, leadership and zone conferences, and baptismal services.
  3. Where it is not acceptable for women (including sister missionaries) to wear dress slacks, sisters may wear long skirts to provide protection from mosquito bites. (Examples may also be viewed on the “Missionary Dress and Grooming Guidelines” page of
  4. The above changes will be implemented on a geographic and seasonal basis, during the wet seasons when the risk is high. Specific instructions about locations and timing will be provided to mission presidents and included in call packets for new missionaries.
  5. We will continue to monitor and evaluate the spread of these diseases and, where needed, make adjustments in these guidelines, giving highest priority to missionary health and safety.
  6. We continue to recommend that missionaries avoid stagnant and standing water, where possible, particularly around residential areas and in their apartments. These areas tend to be breeding grounds for mosquitos.
  7. We encourage our members in areas where mosquito-borne diseases are prevalent to protect themselves by following the recommendations of local authorities who are knowledgeable about health risks.

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