De izquierda a derecha: Elder Tomás Román, Hna. Rosanna Goméz, Hna. Tracy Browning, Hna. J. Anette Dennis y Hno. Jorge Dennis. 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 6 |
Updated September 20, 2022
There is power in keeping covenants with God, two General Officers from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints taught in Puerto Rico recently during training meetings, devotionals and ministering visits to homes of Church members.
Sister J. Anette Dennis, First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency, and Sister Tracy Y. Browning, Second Counselor in the Primary General Presidency visited Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica, during an assignment to the Caribbean Area September 10-19.
In various meetings with Latter-day Saints, Sister Dennis and Sister Browning shared messages about the power of keeping covenants with God, the importance of recognizing our divine identity as children of God, and ministering to others in ways that reflect the pure love of Christ.
The General Officers spoke at a September 10 training meeting in the Guaynabo chapel attended by a large number of Latter-day Saint girls and women ages 11 and older and visited with women and their families in their homes.
“Miracles can be seen in ministering visits,” said Elder Tomás Román, an Area Seventy. “It is hoped that sisters will feel Heavenly Father’s love for them and that they can learn about Relief Society, Primary and how the priesthood works hand in hand with sisters.”
During the ministering visits to members’ homes, the leaders offered encouragement and answered questions about personal identity and how knowing who we are helps us in our service to others. “The Spirit was so strong,” Sister Browning said. “[The Church members] are so generous. Their welcome was a very beautiful experience.”
Sister Dennis said she was fascinated to hear about the experiences of the families they visited. She sensed the love and testimony of members, active and less active. “One of the things we want to convey is … the power that sisters have in honoring covenants … and the importance of understanding who we are, … even if the world confuses us. Knowing who they are changes things.”
“I felt the great love that the Savior has for each one of us,” said Sister Fenilatys Them from the Toa Baja Stake, after the General Officers’ visit to her home.
“When the sisters talked about love,” said Sister Milagros Ramos de Llanos from the San Juan Stake, “I immediately wrote in my notebook, ‘I am a daughter of God and God loves me.’ I felt that deep in my heart. It was one of the strongest impressions I felt.”
Sister Iris Arroyo of the Caguas Stake said, “When the sisters talked about how to teach our children how to minister and feel the love of the Savior, it touched me.”
Sr. Inés Pérez, also from the Caguas stake, said she was reminded of the importance of ministering to other sisters, recognizing that we are daughters of God, and that it takes daily effort to reach our goal of returning to His presence.
“I feel that trust has to be placed in God,” said Sister Marta Torres, from the Caguas Stake, “because He is the greatest thing we have in life. … I can testify that He lives, that He is with me, and that He has great promises for us.”
Senate Visit

Puerto Rico
Sister J. Anette Dennis, First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency and Sister Tracy Y. Browning, Second Counselor in the Primary General Presidency, and their husbands, Jorge Dennis and Brady Browning, meet with Senator Elizabeth Rosa Vélez, who heads the Special Commission for the Eradication of Poverty in Puerto Rico, during an assignment to the country in September 2022. 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The General Officers also met in the Puerto Rico Senate with Senator Elizabeth Rosa Vélez, who heads the Special Commission for the Eradication of Poverty.
During the meeting, collaborative agreements emerged aimed at providing services and meeting the basic needs of families on the island. The senator recognized the Church’s efforts in helping and serving those most in need.
As the leaders discussed issues and needs of the country’s population, as well as humanitarian aid in which the Church could contribute to assist. Sister Browning recommended including these efforts in the JustServe initiative.
In a chance meeting in the senate chamber, Senator José Antonio Vargas Vidot greeted the visitors and showed interest in help given by the Church, recognizing its efforts to help people in Puerto Rico.