The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has released the date of the groundbreaking ceremony for the San Luis Potosí Mexico Temple.
Groundbreaking services will be held on Saturday, March 9, 2024. Elder Sean Douglas, General Authority Seventy, will preside and offer the dedicatory prayer. Attendance at the site will be by invitation only.
Church President Russell M. Nelson announced this house of the Lord in April 2022. “Positive spiritual momentum increases as we worship in the temple and grow in our understanding of the magnificent breadth and depth of the blessings we receive there,” he said, as 17 new temples were announced, including the San Luis Potosí Mexico Temple.

The San Luis Potosí Mexico Temple.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.This new house of the Lord will be built on a 3.87-acre site. Plans call for a single-story temple of approximately 9,300 square feet. This will be the city’s first temple. Its location was announced in October 2022.
Dedicated temples in Mexico are in Ciudad Juárez, Colonia Juárez, Guadalajara, Hermosillo, Mérida, Mexico City, Monterrey, Oaxaca, Tampico, Tijuana, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Veracruz and Villahermosa. There are also temples under construction or announced in Cancún, Cuernavaca, Culiacán, Mexico City Benemérito, Pachuca, Puebla, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Toluca, Torreón and Tula.
The preaching of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ began in Mexico during the 1870s. In 1961, a stake (similar to a diocese) was organized in Mexico City. In 1983, a temple was dedicated in Mexico City.
Mexico is home to more than 1.5 million Latter-day Saints in over 1,860 congregations.
Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ are different from meetinghouses or chapels where members gather for Sunday worship services. A temple is considered a house of the Lord, where the teachings of Jesus Christ are reaffirmed through marriage, baptism, and other ceremonies that unite families for eternity.