Rasband Brazil 22
Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Sister Melanie T. Rasband, greet members following a devotional in Natal, Brazil, on Sunday, November 6, 2022. © 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
This story appears here courtesy of TheChurchNews.com. It is not for use by other media.
Originally published November 11, updated November 16
By Sydney Walker, Church News
From the São Paulo Temple Visitors’ Center on Thursday, November 10, Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles participated in a Facebook Live, sharing his witness of the Savior Jesus Christ.
“Always remember that Jesus Christ is the King of kings. He is the Lord of lords and Prince of Peace,” Elder Rasband testified.
He invited all to be “preachers of peace” and reminded them of the Savior’s love. “Jesus Christ loves you. He loves the people of Brazil, and His Church is here to bring souls to [Him]. I love Him. I testify of Him — the great Prince of Peace.”
The video was shared on the Church’s Brazil Newsroom Facebook page. It was one of several Facebook Lives that Elder Rasband has participated in since he arrived in the country on Friday, November 4 — extending the reach of his visit to viewers across Brazil and beyond.
Elder Adilson de Paula Parrella, General Authority Seventy and Brazil Area President who has been accompanying Elder Rasband during his visit, said during the Facebook Live in São Paulo: “It’s been a marvelous trip. On behalf of the area presidency, I testify of the sacred calling of Elder Rasband and of him as a special witness of the Savior Jesus Christ.”
Elder Rasband’s visit to Brazil with his wife, Sister Melanie T. Rasband, included stops in Natal, Recife, Brasília, São Paulo and Porto Alegre. They ministered to members and missionaries and met with government and religious leaders.

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During an 11-day trip to Brazil, Elder Ronald A. Rasband ministered to members, missionaries and friends of the Church in several cities. The ministry began in the city of Natal, in Rio Grande do Norte, on Friday, November 4, 2022.© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
While in São Paulo, Elder and Sister Rasband spoke to missionaries at the Brazil Missionary Training Center. They also met with Sérgio Moro, recently elected senator, and his wife, Rosângela Moro, recently elected federal deputy, and Elder Rasband presented them a copy of the Book of Mormon.
Elder Parrella told the Church News: “Elder Rasband’s visit to Brazil has been an expression of God’s love for the country and everyone living within its boundaries. It has been more than a visit; it has been a time of being ministered to one-by-one by a prophet, seer and revelator.
“We witnessed many miracles, including government and religious leaders being deeply touched by the Spirit when Elder Rasband gave them a leather-bound copy of the Book of Mormon and bore his testimony of Christ to them.”
Elder Parrella continued: “Besides being instructed to flood Brazil with the Book of Mormon and ensure every youth in the country uses the ‘For the Strength of Youth’ guide to help them make good choices and come closer to Christ, we felt Elder Rasband’s pure love for each and every one. People in Brazil, members and friends of the Church, felt Christlike love from him. Sister Rasband’s love, humility and kindness blessed the lives of many.”
Elder Rasband’s Gift in Natal
Upon arriving at the airport in Natal on November 4, Elder Rasband met with Fátima Bezerra, governor of Rio Grande do Norte. At the end of the meeting, he presented her with a special edition of the Book of Mormon with her name on the cover. Photos of the meeting were posted on the Brazil Newsroom’s Facebook page.
“In these visits, in addition to making new friends and strengthening other friendships, we will present each one, individually, with a copy of the Book of Mormon, that will have their name written on the cover,” said Elder Rasband of his meetings with government officials.
Echoing his invitation during October 2022 general conference, he said, “We hope everyone can do the same and share the Book of Mormon with a friend.”
Also while in Natal, Elder Rasband spoke to missionaries of the Brazil Natal Mission and members in the area. A devotional for families was held Sunday evening, November 6.
Elder J. Francisco Bührer, an Area Seventy who attended meetings in Natal with Elder and Sister Rasband, told the Church News: “It was a very special and spiritual experience. Having a special witness of Christ in person gives us the certainty that God guides us through prophets in these last days.”
Of what he learned from Elder Rasband, he added: “I learned the importance of being prepared to listen to those called by the Lord. Through this preparation many valuable things are revealed. The main learning for me was the importance of having the Book of Mormon and our great responsibility to flood Brazil with it.”
What Elder Rasband Did in Recife
In a Facebook Live on the grounds of the Recife Brazil Temple on Monday, November 7, Elder Rasband said: “Brothers and sisters, Sister Rasband and I are having the most wonderful time here in Brazil. How happy we are to stand here at your beautiful temple today.
“Our hearts are full of love for you as we met with families and youth and missionaries in Natal. We look forward now to continuing our journey through Brazil and sharing with you the deep feelings of our hearts and our love for the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Earlier that day, Elder Rasband visited the Pernambuco Court of Justice and met with Luis Carlos Barros Figueiredo de Lima, chief judge of the state supreme court, and Eriberto Medeiros, president of the legislative assembly.
In these visits, Elder Rasband presented each with a copy of the Book of Mormon with their name on the cover.
Elder Rasband Shares Testimony in Brasília
Elder Rasband continued to share his testimony of the Savior and the Book of Mormon with government officials of Brasília, the nation’s capital.
He was visited in the gardens of the Brasília Brazil Temple by newly elected senator Damares Alves. In the Federal Chamber of Deputies, Elder Rasband met with Deputy Newton Cardoso Jr., who took him on a visit of the Federal Congress and acknowledged his presence during the congressional session.
Elder Rasband’s stop in Brasília also included meetings with the Brazil Brasília Mission and local members. On Tuesday, November 8, he spoke at a devotional for youth and youth leaders.
Elder Rasband also met with Pastor Stanley Arco, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for South America, and Dom Joel Portela, general secretary of the Catholic church’s National Confederation of Bishops of Brazil.
Elder Rasband’s stop in Brasília also included meetings with the Brazil Brasília Mission and local members. On November 8, he spoke at a devotional for youth and youth leaders.
In a Facebook Live from Brasília the following day, Elder Rasband said his heart was touched while being with some 1,000 youth during the devotional.
“You have wonderful children,” Elder Rasband told those watching. “Heavenly Father loves them so much and we love them. And we love all of you.”
To read more about Elder Rasband’s trip, follow Notícias de A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias on Facebook.
Elder Rasband Bids Farewell in Porto Alegre
In their final stop before returning to Salt Lake City, Elder and Sister Rasband spoke to missionaries in the Brazil Porto Alegre North and Brazil Porto Alegre South missions and participated in a stake conference.

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Missionaries of the Brazil Porto Alegre North and Brazil Porto Alegre South missions listen during a devotional with Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in Porto Alegre, Brazil, on November 12, 2022.© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
Elder Rasband left a heartfelt message for members across Brazil in a Facebook Live from the Porto Alegre Brazil Temple on November 12.
As he and Sister Rasband return home, Elder Rasband said they will have hearts “full of love” for all the members, youth, missionaries, government officials and religious leaders they met with. “It’s been a marvelous trip.”
Elder Rasband explained that upon returning to Church headquarters he would report about his trip to the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
“I know President [Russell M.] Nelson loves Brazil and the people of Brazil, so it will be a special honor for me to share with the First Presidency and the Twelve of this trip to Brazil that has captured a part of our hearts.
“We want you all to know very sincerely that we love the Lord, and we know that you love the Lord. We are so grateful to serve with you, our fellow servants, as we bring souls to Jesus Christ. We leave you with our love, our blessing, until we meet again.”
To read more about Elder Rasband’s trip, follow Notícias de A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias on Facebook.
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