Members of the Young Men general presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints now have official Instagram and Facebook accounts to expand their global ministries. The photo- and video-based social media platforms are used by millions of people around the world, including many young adults and youth.
The Church leaders’ use of social media platforms demonstrates a desire to connect with members around the world using technology.

young men general presidency
The Young Men general presidency: Brother Ahmad Corbitt (first counselor), Brother Steven J. Lund (president) and Brother Bradley (Brad) R. Wilcox (second counselor).2020 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The Young Men presidency members introduced themselves on Instagram on Wednesday March 31, 2021:
“Our presidency is thrilled to use these social media accounts to testify of Christ and share messages of hope and light,” said President Steven J. Lund, Young Men General President. “We also look forward to connecting with and learning from young men, parents, and local leaders throughout the world. We hope by offering some of the moments of our lives we may get others to share their victories and challenges with us as we all work together to bless the lives of our young men and strengthen the Church.”
You can find each Instagram account here:
You can find each Facebook account here: