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Judy Ko — Gospel Principles Teacher, Hong Kong

For Judy Ko, a single mother of two children and director of a self-owned trading company, trying to live the gospel of Jesus Christ can have its challenges. “As a member of the Church, the gospel path may not always be smooth, so I take callings as a learning tool and strengthening opportunity,” Ko explains. In her assignment as a teacher of a Sunday School class dedicated to new members and those learning about the Church, Ko finds the opportunity for service a way of consecrating “our time and talent to our Lord so that, through serving others, we can also improve ourselves spiritually and intellectually.” She continues, “Heavenly Father knows when is the right time for me to learn and grow, through giving me new callings. [Callings] are a precious chance for me to receive knowledge and wisdom, improve all kinds of skills and strengthen my spirituality through efforts to follow the guidance of the Holy Ghost.”

A resident of Hong Kong, a metropolis of Western and Chinese culture, Ko finds herself in a ward (congregation) with about 120 active members. As part of her recent assignment to teach Sunday School, Ko dedicates hours during the week to preparing lessons that will teach basic fundamentals of the gospel of Jesus Christ and respond to the challenges the class members face — whether it’s understanding a particular doctrine or knowing how to put it in practice. She cites one example of trying to help a new member fully adapt to a life without alcohol and cigarettes, in harmony with the health code Mormons practice.

“I saw that [the new member] was discouraged and feeling isolated from her family and old friends, as a new member of the Church.” After Ko offered empathy and explanations of the desires God has for us to be healthy and sensitive to the Spirit, the new member “told me at the end of class that she felt her puzzle had been resolved; I was so thrilled for her and happy that being in tune with the Spirit led me to the teach the things she needed to hear.”

Not only does Ko find fulfillment in teaching and supporting her fellow members — and sharing with curious coworkers — but in learning herself. “I feel so grateful that I am able to serve and share the gospel with others through callings, though ultimately I am the beneficiary. I have not only gained organizational and interpersonal skills, but formed new friendships and a better relationship with my children through learning how to work patiently and love one another.” She concluded, “I know that each calling strengthens me spiritually and helps me build a closer relationship with the Lord and the Holy Spirit, as I seek their guidance in each of my callings.”

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