News Release

Commemorate Juneteenth with FamilySearch’s Roots to Freedom Webinars

In honor of Juneteenth, FamilySearch is offering weekly webinars in June that share African American ancestor discovery strategies.

June 5: Celebrating Juneteenth

FamilySearch’s Thom Reed and Julia Anderson talked about celebrating Juneteenth and the genealogical resources FamilySearch offers for African American research and discovery.

June 12: 10 Million Names and American Ancestors

Lindsay Fulton, chief research officer at American Ancestors, talks about 10 Million Names and how to get involved.

And the following webinars will come in the remaining weeks of June.

June 19: African American Societies

Ric Murphy and LaJoy Mosby talk about African American genealogical societies and how they can help us with our own discovery and research.

Watch here.

June 20: African American Records and Strategies

Watch here.

June 26: The International African American Museum

Dr. Shelley Murphy and Brian Sheffey will discuss what The International African American Museum offers to researchers and genealogists.

Watch here.

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