features stories from its 80 international Newsroom websites as well as from those in the United States to share what members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout the world are doing to better to serve their communities
USA: Giving Thanks — The Power of One, the Miracle of Many
A conversation between friends at last year’s Thanksgiving dinner focused on the thousands of people in Northern California who lost everything in the 2018 fires and brought a strong desire to help.

Jeri Rosen, the founder and CEO of the non-profit Working Wardrobes, and Ric and Karen Butera-King agreed the need for good clothing was paramount. Jeri’s nonprofit organization was in a unique position to help address that need.

Go to the Newsroom website for the full story.
Pacific: Church Rushes Aid to Victims of Kiribati StormThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has joined the efforts of the Kiribati government to provide food, water, temporary shelter, medicine and other emergency supplies to the island communities of Tamana and Arorae, which were hit hard by recent storms.

According to island sources, more than 100 homes on both islands were destroyed; thousands of people were affected as their food resources have been completely destroyed either by wind or waves. The effects will be felt in the next days and weeks as food becomes scarce on these islands.

Read more about the efforts to help those in need on the Pacific Newsroom website.
Peru: Church Donates Vital Medical Equipment
Wheelchairs, ultrasound machines and fetal monitors are among the many items donated by Welfare Services of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to people in need in Ayacucho, Peru.

The Church worked closely with the community’s leaders to place the donated items where they were needed most. The donation was delivered by Elder Matías Held, second counselor in the presidency of the South America Northwest Area.

Get more on the story by going to the Peru Newsroom website (Spanish).
Australia: Latter-day Saints Help Inmates Adjust After Prison Release
The Macarthur Latter-day Saint congregation assembled backpacks of essential personal items inmates need upon their release from prison.

Latter-day Saints worked with Barry and Fay Dalton, missionaries for the Sacred Heart Outreach organization, who are busy helping inmates adjust to post-prison life. The Daltons were recently invited to the congregation’s Sunday worship service — the same group of Latter-day Saints that assembled the backpacks.

Read additional details on the Australia Newsroom website.
Bulgaria: Latter-day Saints Spread Early Christmas Cheer
Congregations of the Church in Sliven, Yambol, Haskovo and Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, donated Christmas bags with sweets and toys inside for children and adults with disabilities to a day care center in the town of Sliven.

The activity was part of the Church’s Light the World event in the month of December.

Go to the Bulgaria Newsroom website (Bulgarian) for more information.