News Release

Latter-day Saints Around the World: May 2024

Church helps repair New Zealand homes damaged by floods, charity kitchen in Italy utilizes member volunteers, and nursing services are paid for in South Korea

Newsroom features stories from its dozens of websites around the world to show what members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are doing to serve their communities. Today, we feature news from Cambodia, Canada, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Italy, Korea and New Zealand.

New Zealand: Homes Repaired Following Cyclone Gabrielle

Nearly 14 months after Cyclone Gabrielle ripped through the North Island of New Zealand, residents in Wairoa are getting additional much-needed help. On April 1, 2024, the Church of Jesus Christ joined with the Wairoa Council’s Recovery Group to start rebuilding homes damaged by flooding.

The Church, through its humanitarian and self-reliance services organization, will help these repair efforts and donate money to get trades crews on site.

Learn more about their recovery efforts on the Pacific Newsroom.

DR Congo: Church Makes Catholic School Safer for Students

More than 4,300 students have been blessed with safer and healthier study conditions following the renovation of a Catholic school in the Ngaliema community of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

“This gift from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a testimony of faith in God, the solidarity of the community and a commitment to education, for which we are very grateful,” said Brother Edouard Yatha, head of the Bobokoli Institute.

Read more about the renovation on the Africa Newsroom.

Italy: Time, Money Contributed to Local Charity Kitchen

A charity kitchen in Rome called Parrochia del Santissimo Redentore receives help each week from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — through monetary donations and labor. One day a week, missionaries and members prepare the dining room and serve hot meals to homeless and vulnerable members of the local community.

Last year at Christmas time, Church volunteers went a little further by preparing gift bags with sweets and other items.

Missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ready to distribute Christmas bags at the Parrochia del Santissimo Redentore in Rome, Italy, in December 2023.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Cambodia: Prey Veng Province Health Centers Receive New Equipment

Eight rural health centers in the Prey Veng Province of Kandal Province, Cambodia, have new medical equipment to treat their patients following a donation by the Church of Jesus Christ. Donated items included fetal dopplers, blood pressure monitors, hospital beds and computer equipment, among others.

“The generous support of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is of utmost importance to these eight health centers and will help them better serve the people of this region. It is a charitable gesture that the people of this region can never forget,” said Dr. Kalyan Huot, director of Peareang Referral Hospital.

Chansophea Reath, president of The Association of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Cambodia, warmly greets healthcare workers during the handover ceremony in Pea Reang, Cambodia, on April 18, 2024.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Korea: Nursing Services Covered for Homeless, Elderly

Sixty people seeking care at the Yeungnam University Medical Center in Daegu, South Korea, will have their nursing expenses covered thanks to a donation made by the Church of Jesus Christ. The money supports homeless and elderly individuals not able to receive treatment.

To read more about the impact this will have, visit the Korea Newsroom.

Canada: Donation to Bless the Lives of Children, Expectant Mothers

The Church of Jesus Christ donated CAN$100,000 to La Maison Bleue, a nonprofit organization that aids children and pregnant women in vulnerable situations, to help with its newest clinic going up in Montreal North.

“It shows that we honor the Savior’s invitations to visit the poor and the needy, impart of our substance and administer relief to those in need,” said Bishop Patrick Robertson, leader of a Montreal congregation. “In doing so, we collectively and individually witness our love for both God and our neighbor.”

To learn more about the nonprofit organization’s work, visit the Canada Newsroom.

Korea: 1,000 Seniors Fed by Church Members

On April 27 and 28, 2024, Latter-day Saints prepared and provided 1,000 meals to local seniors as part of a senior citizen banquet held in Jin-gu, Busan.

A grateful Lee Jae-hyung, president of the Busanjin-gu Association of the International Cultural Exchange Association for the Disabled, said it was the most food they had ever shared at the annual event.

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