Tens of thousands attended the Church’s annual General Conference in Salt Lake City this weekend, but millions more watched and listened worldwide. They gathered in chapels and around computer screens, television sets and radios to listen in.

On the Newsroom Facebook and Twitter pages we asked where and how people would be listening this weekend, and nearly 300 responses have been posted. Here are a few:
Brent - Laptop in Bagram, Afghanistan
Tanya - At home (Washington DC) on BYUTV.
Tina Marie - in my little branch in Winona, MO with 17 others! I know that my redeemer lives!
@tinawoodphoto - watching over the Internet in a VERY excited house in Fort Collins,CO!
Leisa - from home online... in Red Deer Alberta Canada
Shawn - From Independence, Missouri on satellite at family members home.
Fábio - I'm watching from São Paulo, Brazil, at home.
@austinsd watching at home on KBYU via AT&T u-verse in #dfw Ah the wonders of global communication #ldsconf #mormon
Dann - From my laptop, At Home, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England!!
Diana - At Home in Jacksonville Florida, via internet lds.org
Matthew - Watching from a hotel in Mexico City, over the Internet.
Sylvia - lds.org at home in Perth, Western Australia but it's now 1 am , time for bed!