“Mormonism in Pictures” is a photo essay feature from MormonNewsroom.org depicting The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members around the world. Today we feature photos of the annual Christmas lighting on historic Temple Square in Salt Lake City.
Braving cold temperatures in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah, visitors to historic Temple Square felt the warmth of Christmas as millions of tiny lights were illuminated on Friday, November 27, 2015. “Nothing like the lights at Temple Square,” was heard by one visitor during the annual lighting.

Bright-eyed and fascinated by the colorful lights of Temple Square, these two children are bundled up and ready for the experience.

Minutes before the Christmas lights of Temple Square are turned on, hundreds of people anxiously await that magic moment.

The moment arrives. Oohs and ahs can be heard throughout Temple Square.

“Wow, so beautiful,” a mother points to the colorful lights.

Joseph, Mary and the Christ child appear to be floating on the reflecting pond at Temple Square.
“In celebrating the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ our thoughts turn to that sacred occasion when He was born ‘The Prince of Peace.’” — First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The spires of the Salt Lake Temple shine bright amid a blue sky and colorful Christmas lights.

Temple Square at Christmas-time is more than magical. The spirit of Christmas can be felt.

The birth of the Savior Jesus Christ is depicted in a large nativity scene located between the Tabernacle and the North Visitors’ Center on Temple Square.
“Our prayer this Christmas season is that the light and testimony of the Savior's divine mission will come into our hearts and be reflected in our lives and in our homes.” — First Presidency

Jerusalem, the three wise men and other religious images symbolize periods in the Savior's life; they are depicted in lit luminaries throughout Temple Square.

Millions of tiny multicolored lights are weaved throughout the trees and bushes on Temple Square for the Christmas season.

A little girl gets the best seat at Temple Square to view the lights.
The Savior promised: “He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” — First Presidency

The cedar of Lebanon tree was just a seedling when a woman brought it home after a trip to Lebanon more than 75 years ago. She gave it to the Church’s head gardener and it was planted near the east gate of Temple Square. It now stands over 70 feet tall making it one of the largest trees on the square. It is illuminated in red lights every other year.

Crèches represent various countries around the world.

Temple Square missionaries delight visitors with music of the Christmas season.

Two sister missionaries welcome visitors to Temple Square with their warm smiles.

Capturing the right angle in the best light of the Salt Lake Temple.

Images on lit luminaries around Temple Square tell the story of the Savior’s birth.
“May the spirit of Christmas, which is the spirit of Christ, bless and sustain each of us.” — First Presidency

The ornaments on one of the Christmas trees on Temple Square catches this young girl’s attention.

Tiny red lights frame the spires of the Salt Lake Temple.

Mother and baby enjoy the beautiful lights of Temple Square.

The photographer’s skill with the camera’s shutter creates a unique perspective of the Christmas lights on Temple Square.

Lots of selfies are taken on Temple Square throughout the year but the Christmas season is the most popular time.

Church employees and volunteers begin wrapping Temple Square trees with the millions of tiny lights in August so they are ready for illumination the day after Thanksgiving.

Temple Square at Christmas-time brings together traditions of lanterns, crèches and beautiful lights.

The blending of millions of tiny colorful lights ushers in the Christmas season on Temple Square.

The reflecting pond, the floating nativity, flickering candles and colorful lights mirror the beauty of Temple Square at Christmas-time.
“May each of us be blessed, not only at this Christmas season, but also throughout the coming year. May our faith in Jesus Christ increase as we follow His example in all we do and say.” — First Presidency