features stories from its international Newsroom websites to share what leaders and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
Pacific: Tongan Latter-day Saints Send Food to Vanuatu
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Tonga are helping to meet the needs of victims of Cyclone Pam. The storm struck the island of Vanuatu early in March.

Tongan Mormons filled a plastic container of cassava and breadfruit that was shipped to Vanuatu.

Go to the Pacific Mormon Newsroom website to read who else participated.
Malaysia: LDS Charities Continues Relief to Flooded Areas

The humanitarian arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints continues to help the victims of flooding in northwestern Malaysia, which started in mid-December of last year and continued into 2015. The Church is working with the country’s Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development.

LDS Charities arranged for refrigerators, rice cookers, gas cook tops and electric kettles to be distributed by volunteers to families whose homes had been cleaned from flood debris and were ready to be occupied.
The Malaysia Mormon Newsroom website has additional information.
Pacific: Clean Water Welcomed by Solomon Islands Community

“Tonight we have eight very happy families in Honiara,” exclaimed a Church missionary. The families just received one of 30 5,000-liter water tanks that will be installed in several areas on the Solomon Islands.

The poly tanks are designed to catch runoff from rain water. Just after the tank was installed, rain fell to the delight of those receiving the water. Ultimately, the tanks will provide clean water to about 2,000 people.
Go to the project on the Pacific Mormon Newsroom website.
Malaysia: Vital Self-Reliance Skills Taught
Women in need have been learning valuable skills to help not only their communities in western Malaysia but also their own families.

LDS Charities has been working with the Association of Social Services and Community Development of Gombak District (PSPK), helping to teach women how to cook using an electric mixer and an oven. One woman was left disabled from a brain tumor, but she has learned how to cook and now has a contract to bake 36 banana muffins each day for a local school.

Read more about how LDS Charities is helping on the Malaysia Mormon Newsroom website.
Russia: Spring Cleanup in Moscow
Russian Latter-day Saints participated in the Easter weekend community cleanup to not only make their area look nice but also use the time to teach their children about giving service.

Service brings joy to the soul, said one Mormon. Another explained that he enjoys working together with friends; the work is useful.
Read more about the service on the Russian Mormon Newsroom website (Russian).
Turkey: Interfaith Choir Performs Easter Program
Handel’s Messiah was performed for the Easter season in the Vatican Embassy of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Turkey’s capital city of Ankara. The program featured community musicians representing Catholics, Protestants, Muslims and Mormons.

The performance had several soloists, including two from the local congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Go to the Turkey Mormon Newsroom website (Turkish).
Australia: South Pacific Ambassador Speaks at BYU
The Papua New Guinean Ambassador to the United States, Canada and Mexico spoke to students at Brigham Young University in Provo recently.

His Excellency Rupa Abraham Mulina and his wife, Numa, visited the Church campus; the ambassador spoke about the many challenges facing Papua New Guinea and its 7.3 million people.

Read more about his message on the Australia Mormon Newsroom website.