pulls stories from its international Newsroom websites to show what leaders and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
Latter-day Saints Gather to Hear Apostles Throughout the World
Church apostles Elders Russell M. Nelson, Jeffrey R. Holland and Neil L. Andersen met with and taught members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Australia, Taiwan and the Pacific in February.
Australia: Elder Russell M. Nelson
Elder Nelson said the gospel of Jesus Christ “is the gospel of glad tidings.” Concerning the well-being of the world’s basic unit of society he said, “We must strengthen families.” The reason, Elder Nelson explained, is that “Satan is attacking the heart of the family.” Pornography is one of the ways families are being impacted.
At a training meeting for over 300 local Church leaders in French Polynesia, Elder Nelson urged them to be good examples to their children and to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ by word and deed.
Read more of what Elder Nelson said on the Australia Mormon Newsroom and Pacific Mormon Newsroom websites.
Asia: Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
In parts of Asia, Elder Holland reported on the strength of the Church. He said the Latter-day Saints in Taiwan are faithful and the Church is in very good hands with local leadership. “The Church is very mature in Taiwan,” he remarked.

Elder Holland said the Saints in Hong Kong are doing “splendidly.” Important to members of the Church is the opportunity to attend the temple regularly. Even though distances to a temple for many members of the Church in Asia are great, Elder Holland said, “They take the temple quite seriously” and go as often as they can.
Pacific: Elder Neil L. Andersen

Visiting, speaking and meeting with Latter-day Saints from throughout the Pacific in Fiji and Tonga, Elder Andersen said, “We are on the Lord’s team, so we have a reason to smile.”

A Little Mormon boy awaits the end of the meeting so he can shake Elder Andersen's hand.
He showed them a copy of the new Church booklet My Family: Stories That Bring Us Together , a resource to help people record information and stories about their ancestors in a simple format. He encouraged the Latter-day Saints to get a copy and complete it.
Go to the Pacific Mormon Newsroom website for more on what Elder Andersen did in both Fiji and Tonga.
Pacific: Dozens of Projects Draw Mormon Helping Hands
Thousands of New Zealand Latter-day Saints spent a rainy Saturday cleaning, improving school grounds, tidying up a cemetery, removing rubbish, adding rails on a bridge, removing tree stumps and doing many other things on 22 February.
Yellow Mormon Helping Hands vests could be seen in many parts of New Zealand as members of the Church worked with local government and communities completing several improvements.
A video was made of the day of service. Read more about what Latter-day Saints accomplished on the Pacific Mormon Newsroom website.
Colombia: Church Donates Microscope for Eye Surgery

A major piece of medical equipment has been given to the University Hospital in Sincelejo, Colombia, by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The surgical microscope will enable local ophthalmologists to perform eye surgery for several types of problems. The Church’s donation also translates to more affordable eye care for people who have not been able to afford such service.
Go to the Colombia Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish) for additional information.
Pacific: LDS Charities Partners for Fijians in Need of Wheelchairs
Fijians with spinal injuries and other mobility problems are benefiting from a partnership between LDS Charities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Spinal Injury Association (SIA).
In addition to the 450 wheelchairs, patients now have access to 627 crutches and walking sticks to help them walk and function.
Watch a video about what motivates Latter-day Saints to engage in humanitarian work, and search the Pacific Mormon Newsroom website.
Canada: Family Day Is a Canadian Holiday
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints celebrated Family Day in February. It’s a holiday observed in most provinces in Canada aimed at encouraging families to gather and participate in activities.

Since 1915 Mormons have dedicated each Monday night for the family. It’s a time when Mom and Dad teach their children the gospel of Jesus Christ, sing, have an activity together and enjoy a treat.
Read more about Family Day on the Canada Mormon Newsroom website.
Russia: Family History Seminar Hosted in Russia
Russian Latter-day Saints and others interested in genealogy are collecting their family histories.

Inside a Mormon meetinghouse, members of the Church helped first-time genealogists learn how to find their ancestors.
Read more about the seminar on the Russia Mormon Newsroom website (Russian).