The Newsroom Blog

Mormons Around the World: Country Newsroom Websites | April 10 pulls stories from the international Newsroom websites to show what leaders and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.

Argentina: Missionaries Paint the San Vicente Cemetery in Cordoba

    Mormon missionaries in Argentina refurbush San Vicente Cemetery in Argentina

Sixty Latter-day Saint missionaries put on the yellow Mormon Helping Hands vests in March and helped paint the San Vicente Cemetery in Cordoba. They were joined by the mayor of Cordoba, Dr. Ramon Mestre, who thanked the missionaries for their willingness to reach out to the community.

     The mayor of Cordoba was grateful to the missionaries for their service

Visit the Argentina Mormon Newsroom website to read more.

Germany: City and Mormon Helping Hands Spring Clean Together
Discarded tires, old shoes, cans, bottles and lots of other refuse were picked up in the city of Koblenz, Germany, near Frankfurt, with the assistance of Mormon Helping Hands volunteers in March.

     Latter-day Saints worked with the community to clean an old railway station

The old railway station in Metternicher was the focus of the cleanup, which included helpers from age three to 73. The city provided workers with gloves, tools and lunches.

Go to the Germany Mormon Newsroom website to see what a local newspaper wrote about the cleanup.

     The Church hosted other religions in a discussion on religious freedom

Brazil: Religious and Community Leaders Defend Religious Freedom
Leaders of many faiths, attorneys and representatives from organizations throughout Brazil gathered together at a Latter-day Saint meetinghouse in São Paulo in March to discuss the importance of fighting for religious freedom.

Learn more about the interfaith event on the Brazil Mormon Newsroom website.


Cabo Verde: Computer Equipment Donated by the Church
The Tarrafal School in Cabo Verde has received over 500 pieces of electronic equipment from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The donation included computers, printers and projectors and their installation.

A local Church leader presented the equipment to school leaders.

Read more about the story by going to the Cabo Verde Mormon Newsroom website.

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