features stories from its 81 international Newsroom websites as well as those from around the United States to share what members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
Germany: Refugee Mothers Receive Donation of Baby Supplies
An estimated 100 Mormon volunteers assembled baby supplies for young refugee mothers in Frankfurt. Latter-day Saints set up an efficient assembly line of socks, toys, diapers and other items for little boys and girls.

The event was organized by Mormon women who, for the second time in 2017, volunteered to help young refugee mothers in need of baby clothing and diapers.

Go to the Germany Mormon Newsroom website (German) for more information.
Kenya: Every Drop of Water CountsFor the past 12 years, the Church’s service center has been supplying water to residents in a community in Nairobi. People place their jerrycans neatly along the curb so they can be filled Monday, Wednesday or Friday afternoons at no charge. Two companies pay for the water residents use.

The jerrycan is the keeper of the precious resource, and people must make the most of the commodity each day — many families try to stretch a can of water to last an entire day. The jerrycan is also a symbol of hope that the drought will end.

The Kenya Mormon Newsroom website has additional information.
Honduras: Mormon Women Donate Clothes to Local Hospital
More than 50 women from the local Mormon congregation donated their own clothing, shoes and personal use products they had been saving to the San Felipe Hospital and the Hospital del Tórax.
One of the women said the experience was a pleasant one to be able to give of their time and clothes to people who need it most.
Go to the Honduras Mormon Newsroom website to read more.
Kenya: Faith Results in Humanitarian Miracle
Without the faith and perseverance of Kenneth, a local resident, the Association of the Physically Disabled of Kenya (APDK) would have gone without clean water. His efforts helped convince everyone concerned to dig a borehole (water well).

Initially, the director of the APDK did not want to pay its share of the project for fear it would fail. They had already drilled six other wells with no success. A hydrologist suggested a larger borehole, and now the successfully producing well is giving 70,000 liters (more than 18,000 gallons) of water in an eight-hour period of time.

Read more about the miracle on the Kenya Mormon Newsroom website.
Italy: Mormons Remove Graffiti From Museum WallsLatter-day Saints have removed years of graffiti from the outside walls of the home of Gabriele D'Annunzio, an Italian poet from the 1800s, in Pescara.

Using a special paint/varnish, the Mormon volunteers brushed the mixture on the graffiti, not only to cover it up but also to protect the walls from being marred again.

Read more about the process and comments from the city’s mayor on the Italy Mormon Newsroom website (Italian).
Pacific: LDS Charities Improves Facilities for Samoa Council of Churches
LDS Charities, the humanitarian arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, donated funds to renovate space for the Samoa Council of Churches.
Referring to the Church’s recent joining of the Samoa Council of Churches, Elder O. Vincent Haleck of the Seventy and president of the Church’s Pacific Area, said, “This is a day of thanksgiving for all of us. We have been apart for too long. Now we are together.”
Read more about this project on the Pacific Mormon Newsroom website.