The Newsroom Blog

Mormons Around the World: Country Newsroom Websites | 20 October features stories from its international Newsroom websites to share what leaders and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.

Lithuania: Mormon Women Sew 90 Infant Quilts
Women of the Church’s Relief Society in Lithuania got busy in August sewing quilts for infants living in a community children’s home — 14 hours later the 90 quilts were completed.

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The women were happy to serve, sewing one quilt for each baby in the home.

Go to the Lithuania Mormon Newsroom website (Lithuanian).

Cambodia: 500 People Seeing Better
LDS Charities, working with local leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has provided glasses for 500 people in Cambodia’s Battambang Province.

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Members of the Church in the province were aware that many people had vision problems. “We are so thrilled to be able to see clearly again,” said one grateful recipient. Others receiving the glasses remarked how delighted they were to be able to read again. Many recipients had never used glasses before.

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Read more about the service provided on the Cambodia Mormon Newsroom website.

Cambodia: Church Contributes to National Immunization Program
The Church, through LDS Charities, continues to support Cambodia’s national immunization program.

Cambodia National Immunization Program

LDS Charities provided 1,500 carriers and 6,000 ice packs in which to transport vaccines to high risk communities in remote areas and to ethnic communities in urban and rural areas. The country’s secretary of state and minister of health remarked that this contribution helps to reduce the incidents of child mortality in Cambodia.

Go to the Cambodia Mormon Newsroom website for additional information.

Japan: Guam Mormon Helping Hands Gather Books for People on Pacific Island
Pohnpei, in the Micronesian Islands, received a gift of books through the participation of Mormon Helping Hands.

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Volunteers, along with the Ayuda Foundation, collected and distributed schoolbooks and other educational materials.

Read more about the volunteer efforts on the Japan Mormon Newsroom website.

Chile: Mormons Choose Service to Celebrate Nation’s Independence
Thousands of Latter-day Saints celebrated the country’s independence by beautifying their communities.

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“Serving others is serving God” was their motto. They cleaned, swept, painted and trimmed around their community squares, streets, stadiums, schools, senior centers, city halls and other places on 18 September, the national holiday.

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The Chile Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish) includes additional information.

Honduras: National Independence Day Celebrated
Latter-day Saints in Tegucigalpa participated with their countrymen celebrating patriotism and independence.

Honduras Youth celebrate2014

More than 400 young people of the Church performed Mayan and other folk dances in the Tiburcio Carias Andino National Stadium in Tegucigalpa.

Go to the Honduras Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish) to read what else the youth honored.

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