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New Resources Help You Share Messages of Faith, Hope During Day of the Dead

Between now and Day of the Dead on November 1, The Church of Jesus Christ encourages its members to visit a new campaign page (available in Spanish only) that explains that “thanks to Jesus, death is not the end.”

A Day of the Dead [wreath] used to decorate grave sites of loved ones who have passed away. Photo courtesy of Fausto Alfonso Guerrero.All rights reserved.
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As a child in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Fausto Alfonso Guerrero —the youngest of 21 children—visited the graves of three siblings who passed away before he was born during the Day of the Dead holiday.

“Mom used to make flower coronas [wreaths], and my mom and siblings would visit the graves of her children and share family stories passed down through the generations,” he said.

After he returned home from his mission to Chihuahua, Mexico, Guerrero visited the grave of his grandma, who had passed away while he was serving, and too soon after, the grave of his mother, who died when he was just 22.

Visit and Share Veniracristo.org/dia-de-los-muertos-2021

On the Day of the Dead, many people in Mexico and parts of Central America remember loved ones who have passed away. For those who are also Latter-day Saints, like the Guerrero family, Day of the Dead is a perfect opportunity for sharing messages that inspire love and gratitude for the Savior and a hope for a life after death with their loved ones. These messages are included in the Church’s new campaign page Veniracristo.org/dia-de-los-muertos-2021, which includes videos, social media images and other helpful resources that make sharing with friends of our faith easy.



Visitors to the Day of the Dead page can:

  • watch and share the video “Gracias a Jesús, nos reuniremos nuevamente” (shown above)
  • sign up to get WhatsApp prompts and ideas on ways to remember ancestors throughout the month
  • watch or share videos that help answer the question “Is there life after death?”
  • find links to FamilySearch.org, where they can learn more about their ancestors
  • find words of faith, hope and comfort from the scriptures and living prophets
    Visit veniracristo.org/dia-de-los-muertos-2021 to download images like this to share messages of faith and hope on social media during Day of the Dead. 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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  • meet with missionaries
  • find Day of the Dead social media images to share with others
  • listen to hymns with words of hope and comfort
  • find links to information about the purpose of life, temples, eternal families, and life after death
  • read frequently asked questions about Latter-day Saints and their beliefs
  • subscribe to inspirational messages that strengthen families

More Day of the Dead Activities

The Day of the Dead campaign page also lists suggested activities for individuals and families, such as:

  • cooking favorite dishes
  • recording a family interview
  • sharing photos
  • creating an offering of the dead with photos, flowers, food and candles
  • helping children create a family tree
  • learning to make Pan de Muerto

Guerrero, who relocated his family to the United States in 2016, said, “Without graves to visit here, I try to remember my mother with recipes and watching videos.”

Guerrero’s extended family members who live in Mexico clean and decorate their family members’ grave sites during Day of the Dead and do other activities, such as attending the temple, participating in family history conferences, and indexing.

Extended members of the Guerrero family help clean and decorate the graves of family members during the Day of the Dead. Photo courtesy of Fausto Alfonso Guerrero.All rights reserved.
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“Day of the Dead is just one day when we remember our loved ones, but as members of the Church, we know we can always remember them, honor them, love them because we can do indexing, temple work, look for family history and visit FamilySearch,” Guerrero said. He is also excited about the new Day of the Dead resources and the opportunity to share them with others.

In addition to visiting and sharing these Day of the Dead resources, anyone interested in learning more about remembering ancestors may also attend a virtual Genealogía Expo “El valor de tu pasado” on October 29 and 30. For more information, see https://www.expogenealogia.mx/

Blanca and Alberto Guerrero (Alberto is Fausto Alfonso Guerrero's brother) train members of the Hermosillo Mexico Stake how to work in family history and do indexing. Alberto and his wife, Hilda, are family history coordinators in Sonora, Mexico. Photo courtesy of Fausto Alfonso Guerrero.All rights reserved.
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