J. Christopher and Erlynn E. Lansing
J. Christopher and Erlynn E. Lansing will serve as directors of Church Hosting beginning July 2021. 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has appointed new directors of Church Hosting, who will represent the Church as they meet with dignitaries from around the world.
J. Christopher and Erlynn E. Lansing will serve as the new directors of Church Hosting beginning July 1, 2021.
Currently, the Lansings chair the President’s Leadership Council at Brigham Young University. They recently served together as mission leaders in the Utah Salt Lake City South Mission from 2016–2019. Prior to their service, Brother Lansing also served as an Area Seventy in Virginia. He was president and CEO of Lansing Building Products. Sister Lansing earned her bachelor’s degree in sociology from BYU, has worked in the White House and taught early morning seminary. Chris and Erlynn have four children.
The Lansing’s will replace Elder Kent F. and Marsha G. Richards, who are completing their missionary service. “We express our deep appreciation to the Richards for their years of faithful work in many capacities,” said Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, who chairs the Church communication Committee in a letter announcing the change.