President Russell M. Nelson greets Sister Jean B. Bingham
President Russell M. Nelson shakes hands with Jean B. Bingham, Relief Society General President, after the general women’s session of the 188th Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, held in the Conference Center in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah, on Saturday, October 6, 2018. Photo by Laura Seitz, courtesy of Church News.Copyright 2020 Deseret News Publishing Company.This story appears here courtesy of TheChurchNews.com. It is not for use by other media.
By Aubrey Eyre, Church News
In a recent interview with the Church News, Jean B. Bingham, Relief Society General President for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, invited all 7.1 million Relief Society women from around the world to join with her in following the counsel of President Russell M. Nelson to study about what the priesthood, or power of God, means for them.
“When, as women, we come to truly understand the privileges and power we have because of the priesthood, we will rejoice,” President Bingham said.
The topic of priesthood power and what it means for women of the Church has often been the focus of discussions during general conference, BYU Women’s Conference, Sister to Sister events, Church worldwide broadcasts, and devotional Q&A events with Church leaders around the world.
In an effort to continue those conversations among women, and with a clear invitation from the prophet for women to start seeking an understanding of what priesthood power means to them, the Church News features a new “Women of Covenant” section.
The priesthood—or power of God on earth—is a key component of living the gospel for both men and women. The Church News aims to share stories of real women discussing what priesthood power looks like in their lives and what it means to them and address some of the questions they have about priesthood power, authority, and keys in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
In October 2019, President Russell M. Nelson told the women of the Church, “How I yearn for you to understand that the restoration of the priesthood is just as relevant to you as a woman as it is to any man.”
Now the Women of Covenant series will highlight some of the many ways women are learning about, experiencing, and drawing upon priesthood power in their lives and continuing the work of the Restoration. Links will be added below as new articles are published.
Published Articles in This Series
- The Importance of Seeking and Acting on Revelation, by President Jean B. Bingham, Relief Society general president
- Finding Increased Power through Service, by President Bonnie H. Cordon, Young Women general president
- Blessed by the Priesthood, by President Joy D. Jones, Primary general president
- Power and Safety in Counsel, by Sister Reyna I. Aburto of the Relief Society general presidency
- Blessings from Priesthood Covenants, by Sister Lisa L. Harkness of the Primary general presidency
- What Will You Take with You, by Sister Michelle D. Craig of the Young Women general presidency
- Drawing on the Savior’s Power, by Sister Cristina Franco of the Primary general presidency
- Priesthood — A Spiritual Treasure to Unwrap and Study, by Sister Sharon Eubank of the Relief Society general presidency
- How Covenant Women Are Participating in the Work of the Lord, by Sister Wendy Ulrich, Relief Society general board member
- Priesthood Truths Are Hidden in Plain Sight by Sister Lori Draper of the Relief Society general board
- Are We Prepared to Receive What the Lord Offers Us? by Sister Amy Wright, of the Young Women general board
- The Power of the Temple Does Not Reside in the Building, by Sister Holly Richardson
- Blessed by Priesthood Power as a Single Woman, by Sister Kathryn Reynolds of the Relief Society general board
- Choosing to Trust and Wait on the Lord, by Sister Memnet Lopez of the Relief Society general board
- Teaching and Speaking with Power and Authority from God, by Sister Liz Darger of the Young Women general board
- The Lord Loves and Expects Effort, by Sister Vicki Jackman of the Young Women general board
- The Importance of Motherhood, by Sister Christine Ivory of the Primary general board
- The ‘Profound Implications’ of the Priesthood Restoration, by Sister Kaylene Harding of the Primary general board
- A Promise for Every Covenant-Keeping Woman, by Sister Brittany Beattie of the Primary general board
- Women Teach and Nurture Through Priesthood Power, by Sister Tara Mickelsen of the Primary general board
- Priesthood Power ‘in the Very Hour,' by Sister Yvonne Hubert of the Young Women general board
- Essential Partners in the Work of Salvation and Exaltation, by Rebecca Mehr of the Relief Society general board
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