On the Washington Post On Faith blog this week, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Public Affairs managing director, Michael Otterson, addressed the frequently asked question, “Is this the ‘Mormon Moment’?” Several events during the past decade have heightened public attention toward the Church, and now with the possibility of two U.S. presidential candidates who are Mormon, public attention is focused on the Church once again.
Otterson explains that Church growth is a major reason why the Church is becoming more well-known:
Perhaps most significantly as the church grows, more people have a Mormon co-worker, neighbor, or friend. And, as people get to know Mormons they get a clearer, fuller, and more accurate picture of our faith. This is vital, since real understanding of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints lags far behind its visibility.
Read the full post here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/on-faith/post/is-this-really-a-mormon-moment/2011/05/09/AFc6KYYG_blog.html