Latter-day Saint temples are found in many parts of the world. They are easily recognized from their stately structure and beautiful landscape.
The words “Holiness to the Lord. The House of the Lord” are etched on the temple, usually above the front entrance.
Michael R. Otterson, managing director of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Public Affairs Department, explains in his current Washington Post “On Faith” forum why Mormons, desiring to stand in sacred, holy places, go to the temple.
“Latter-day Saints see the temple not as a place of permanent retreat, but as a place of personal covenants, where for an hour or two they can immerse themselves in communion with God, render ceremonial service for those who have departed this life, and unite families together for eternity through sacred ordinances. Paradoxically, the resultant effect of temple worship is not withdrawal or isolation from the world, but to impel the believer to re-enter the world better prepared to serve members of one’s family, church, neighborhood and beyond.”