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Palmyra New York Stake Commemorated 200 Years Since Angel Moroni’s Visit to Joseph Smith

Local Church members met near the Smith family farm for a special devotional

The reconstructed Smith log home in Palmyra, New York, is shown in 2009. The log home is where Joseph Smith lived at the time of the First Vision and of the angel Moroni’s first visit. Photo by Kenneth Mays, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.

This story appears here courtesy of TheChurchNews.com. It is not for use by other media.

By Kaitlyn Bancroft, Church News

The New York Palmyra Stake commemorated the 200th anniversary of the angel Moroni’s visit to Joseph Smith with a special devotional near the Smith farm log home.

On September 21, 1823, a 17-year-old Joseph Smith sought forgiveness and understanding of his place before God.

As he prayed, the angel Moroni appeared in his room. It was the first of four visits Moroni made to Joseph during the night and early the next day.

So on September 21, 2023 — 200 years since that historic event — Church members, friends and missionaries gathered at the Smith family farm in Palmyra, New York, according to a post from The Church of Jesus Christ Palmyra NY Stake Facebook page.


They met at the Welcome Center adjacent to the Smith farm log home for music, personal reflection and remarks from Church leaders. President Christopher L. Bjorling, first counselor in the Palmyra New York stake presidency, presided over the event.

Speakers shared remarks about Moroni’s life, his visits to Joseph Smith and his role in the restoration of Jesus Christ’s Church.

“It was a beautiful evening with a clear sky, filled with the moon and stars that added a beautiful and inspiring backdrop to music, word and reflection,” the Facebook post states.

The Church of Jesus Christ Palmyra NY Stake Facebook page also shared the “Moroni’s Light” photo series, taken at the Smith family farm and Hill Cumorah during the evening of September 21 and the morning of September 22, 2023.

“These seven photos were taken and titled in an attempt to capture the beauty and spirit that was present in these sacred places ... as we reflected upon the light of our Savior Jesus Christ that Moroni carried with him in his visits to Joseph Smith,” the post states. “[We] hope each of you, in reviewing these commemorative photos, can feel what we felt as we contemplated ‘Moroni’s Light.’”

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