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PBS Documentary on Religious Freedom

A documentary on religious freedom was aired Tuesday, 18 December, on PBS. The show is called First Freedom and explores the importance of religious freedom as framed by the founders of the United States. That first freedom is a reference to the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution.

Religious freedom part four
Over time the right of religious freedom came to be recognized in many other countries as well. In the documentary, a broad spectrum of historians and scholars discuss how religious freedom became our first freedom and accommodated the nation’s growing religious diversity. From the description at PBS: “The film is about the people who imagined a new way of approaching human and civil rights and ultimately transformed a nation and the world.” Much of this show is a dramatization of early constitutional debates and “reveals the personal courage that made the First Amendment possible.  From both ends of the religious and political spectrum — and also from those who refused even to betray their personal beliefs — the founders found their way to an agreement.”

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been emphasizing the importance of religious freedom during the past few years. Here you can find more resources.

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