“Our message to you tonight is the same as the message we've given to others, that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, that this is His Church restored in its fullness,” said President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as he finished his global ministry tour Sunday, April 22, 2018, on the Brigham Young University–Hawaii campus in Laie, Hawaii.
- President Nelson Hawaii
- President Nelson Hawaii
- President Nelson Hawaii
- President Nelson Hawaii
- President Nelson Hawaii
- President Nelson Hawaii
- President Nelson Hawaii
- President Nelson Hawaii
- President Nelson Hawaii
- President Nelson Hawaii
- President Nelson Hawaii
- President Nelson Hawaii
- President Nelson Hawaii
- President Nelson Hawaii
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
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A special devotional was held at the Cannon Activities Center on campus, located outside of Honolulu on the Hawaiian island of Oahu.
President Nelson’s wife, Wendy, and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Patricia, met with Latter-day Saints in eight cities in 11 days on the continents of Europe, Africa and Asia.
“We don’t allow jet lag,” said President Nelson. In fact, his wife, Wendy, said the tour has energized the prophet. “He is now doing what he was foreordained to do. … I have seen him change right at the pulpit. I have heard him become [clearer] in professing certain doctrine, to use phrases I've never heard him use in 12 years. I've seen him even look younger.”
This is the first international trip for President Nelson since he was named the Church’s 17th prophet in January.
Sister Nelson told the audience about a recent powerful experience, confirming her husband’s prophetic call. “Because of that sacred experience I can take any witness stand in any nation on earth and testify that I know that President Russell Marion Nelson has been called by God to be the living prophet of the Lord on the earth today.”
“Really everything we’ve done in these last few days together circling the globe could be summed up in two words — the temple,” said President Nelson, speaking at a devotional with members at BYU–Hawaii.
“In Jerusalem we talked about the temple Jesus loved. And in several cities, we talked about the temple that is going to come to their place, and here in the shadows of the temple in Hawaii we talked about temples again,” he said.
Sister Nelson was impressed with the sacrifices made by Latter-day Saints around the world. “I have been stunned to hear and experience the sacrifices that our Saints have made to find the gospel, to live the gospel, and that gives them that bedrock faith.”
President Nelson continued: “We are very sorry for the nations we didn't get to visit, so in a way it was symbolic. It's a global ministry and a global message — faith in the Lord Jesus Christ [and] strengthening your own families as they qualify for eternal life in the presence of deity.”
“It's tender as we come to the close of something that will never come again,” said Elder Holland. “We've met multitudes; we've met as many people as can get into venues. … We got the biggest venue possible in those cities and filled them, and still there were people who didn’t get the chance to participate.”
“President Nelson will always be speaking to a multitude for the rest of his life. But salvation will come one by one by one,” explained Elder Holland.
“I gained such a testimony of my Savior because of the things that I have witnessed the last two weeks,” said Sister Holland. “I think it’s really fitting that we ended this sojourn we’ve undertaken in Laie. I always feel the Spirit of the Lord here.”
Sister Jean B. Bingham, Relief Society general president, and her husband, Bruce, attended the devotional. Sister Bingham spoke at the university's commencement the previous day.
Global Tour
The senior Mormon leaders, who stand as witnesses of the Savior, left Salt Lake City on April 10 to meet with members around the globe. Cities on their tour included London, England; Jerusalem, Israel; Nairobi, Kenya; Harare, Zimbabwe; Bengaluru, India; Bangkok, Thailand; and Hong Kong, China.
Global Church
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, has more than 16 million members around the world.
Hawaii is home to more than 74,000 Mormons, who are part of 141 congregations. The first converts were baptized in Hawaii in 1851.
The Church has 159 temples worldwide with 30 others announced or under construction, including two temples in Hawaii. The Laie Hawaii Temple was dedicated by President Heber J. Grant in 1919. The Kona Hawaii Temple was dedicated in January 2000 by President Gordon B. Hinckley.