News Release

Celebrating a Century: Prophet and President Russell M. Nelson’s 100th Birthday Tribute

“The length of your life is not as important as the kind of life that you live,” President Nelson says

Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints joined family and friends on Monday, September 9, 2024, to honor Prophet and Church President Russell M. Nelson on his 100th birthday.

The event was held in the Conference Center Theater on Temple Square in Salt Lake City and broadcast around the world.

President Nelson thanked family, friends and Latter-day Saints for their kindness and support. He shared his appreciation for the countless birthday messages and the global response to his “99+1” invitation, which encouraged people to reach out to those in need.

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Reflecting on his life, President Nelson spoke of miraculous instances where he was saved from imminent death. He acknowledged the unwavering support of his wife, Wendy, during his recent health challenges. He expressed profound gratitude for his family, including his late wife, Dantzel.

The prophet emphasized the importance of faith, an eternal perspective on life, and the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

“My dear brothers and sisters, the length of your life is not as important as the kind of life that you live,” President Nelson said. “For each of us, even for a 100-year-old man, life passes quickly. My prayer is that you will let God prevail in your life. Make covenants with Him. Stay on the covenant path. Prepare to return to live with Him again.”

Presidents Dallin H. Oaks and Henry B. Eyring, President Nelson’s counselors in the First Presidency, shared their observations from working side by side with the prophet for six-and-a-half years. They highlighted President Nelson’s warmth, respect for others and Christlike demeanor. President Oaks emphasized how President Nelson’s actions, such as standing when others — especially women — enter the room, reflect his deep care and love for people, mirroring the Savior’s love.

“To be in a room or in a meeting or in a conversation with President Nelson just gives you the opportunity of experiencing what it would be like to be with the Savior,” President Oaks said. “He is the Savior’s representative. And he is our role model.”

Both leaders praised President Nelson’s decisiveness and his focus on building temples and helping people everywhere come closer to Christ. Since 2018, President Nelson has announced 168 new houses of the Lord.

“[President Nelson has increased temple building] on a spiritual basis of saying, ‘We’ve got to offer the covenants to the people that are far away from temples,’” President Eyring said. “[He’s said] ‘It’s the ordinances that make the difference. Let’s not be extravagant. Let’s make the buildings lovely. But it’s the ordinances that make them available.’”

President Russell M. Nelson bounces a balloon at the conclusion of his 100th birthday festivities at the Conference Center Theater on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah on September 9, 2024. 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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President Jeffrey R. Holland also spoke at the celebration, representing the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He shared personal anecdotes and highlighted President Nelson’s many talents and accomplishments, including his medical career, musical abilities and linguistic skills.

President Holland emphasized the brotherhood President Nelson has fostered between the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles since he became the prophet in 2018.

“Surely history will note that of the many marvelous characteristics visible in the Nelson administration, one quality that was almost invisible was the warm and productive unity Russell M. Nelson maintained between the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles,” President Holland said.

President Camille N. Johnson of the Relief Society General Presidency also shared heartfelt reflections. She expressed gratitude for the prophet’s kindness, love and respect, noting how he makes the sisters of the Church feel like part of his family. She highlighted his prophetic invitations to understand God’s power through covenants and his emphasis on focusing on Jesus Christ.

From the first moment she met him to answer the call to be a General Officer, she said she felt “love and compassion and mercy and confidence.”

“President Nelson, I feel claimed by my Savior Jesus Christ because I have felt His love through you, His prophet,” she said.

Elder Carl B. Cook, senior president of the Presidency of the Seventy, shared thoughts on behalf of Area Presidencies and Seventies throughout the world.

“We want you to know what a privilege it is to help carry your prophetic messages to people everywhere,” Elder Cook said. “We love you, and we wish you a very joyful 100th birthday.”

Two members of President Nelson’s family shared their reflections in the Monday broadcast. Marsha Workman, one of the prophet’s 10 children, spoke of cherished memories growing up in the Nelson household. She highlighted the loving partnership between her parents and the valuable lessons they imparted.

“Our home was centered on love for each other, on love for the Savior and on living His Gospel,” Workman said. “It was full of music, fun and joy in being together. Thank you, Daddy dear, for teaching us to love each other, and for cherishing us as we cherish you.”

Ashlyn Owens, one of President Nelson’s 167 great-grandchildren, shared her personal experiences and admiration for her great-grandfather. She noted his love, steadfastness and respect for women. She emphasized his unwavering support and presence at family events and his focus on individuals.

“As a young teenager, I was especially touched by this attention,” Owens said. “I was struggling with many things but was feeling especially shaky about my faith. I was invited to attend general conference, and the minute my grandfather entered the room, his eyes sought me out. I locked eyes on him and felt his undeniable love and support. I don’t think he explicitly knew that I was struggling, but his gentle dependability was grounding for a young, unsure girl. I could tangibly feel a solid wave of encouragement reminding me that he was proud of me and that he loved me even when I was struggling.”

Many friends shared tributes via video. These were played during the broadcast. Excerpts of these are below.

President Russell M. Nelson with his wife, Wendy (right), with the Rev. Amos Brown and his wife, Jane E. Brown (left), at his 100th birthday celebration at Conference Center Theater on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah on September 9, 2024.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The Rev. Dr. Amos C. Brown, Third Baptist Church of San Francisco and NAACP Board Member

“I am inexpressibly happy to bring greetings to President Nelson on occasion of celebration of his 100th birthday. [At the NAACP National Convention in 2019], I introduced him as my brother of another mother. And I meant that because I felt that kindred spirit immediately when I met him. He came with a track record of leading The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to higher pursuits of racial reckoning, understanding and working to provide a better day for all of God’s children — particularly those who lived in urban communities around this nation. Mr. President, I wish more years upon you and your dear wife, Mrs. Nelson, and that you will go on from strength to strength, keeping the beloved community intact.”

The Rev. Dr. Andrew Teal, Anglican Priest and Oxford University Theologian

“President Nelson, from the University of Oxford and as a member of the Church of England, I salute you and give you our hearty congratulations and prayers on your centenary. Thank you for being such an approachable world faith leader. Thank you for leading your people as a true pioneer leader, leaving no one behind. And thank you, also, for touching the hearts of people.”

Robert P. George, Professor at Princeton University

“The foundational principle of all sound morality is that of the profound inherent and equal dignity of each and every member of the human family. And by precept and example, you’ve taught all of us what it means to do justice to that principle, to live up to its demands.”

Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, Executive Vice President of the New York Board of Rabbis

“President Nelson, recently I spoke with Sister Jean Schmidt, 103 years old, who wrote a book entitled ‘What I Learned the First Hundred Years of My Life.’ She says that she attributes her longevity to living life with purpose. You certainly have lived a life of purpose, giving that message of God through your works of goodness throughout the world. Every birthday we often blow out the candles. I suggest [you] keep them burning so we can continue to be the beneficiaries of your light, your love and your loyalty. As we say in New York, mazel tov.”

The Rev. Dr. Lawrence Edward Carter Sr., Dean of the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College

“On the night before Martin Luther King Jr.’s ascension, he said, ‘Like anyone, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place.’ I have had the privilege of visiting Salt Lake City and Temple Square four times and observed that the Tabernacle Choir family live a long time. I am convinced that the statement of Dr. King is right — that longevity has its place, and its place is Temple Square. On behalf of the Morehouse College family, our 17,000 living members of the alumni, trustees, administration, faculty, staff and students, we salute you, President Russell M. Nelson Sr., for having reached the centennial, your 100th birthday today.”

President Russell M. Nelson and his wife, Wendy, greet the audience at the beginning of his 100th birthday festivities at the Conference Center Theater on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah on September 9, 2024.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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