primary singing
“Primary music is a powerful way for children to learn of Jesus Christ and His gospel,” the Primary General Presidency writes. 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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By Primary General Presidency and Advisory Council, for the Church News
Wherever we travel throughout the world, we love to ask what Church members remember most from their days in Primary. The most common answer is the inspired Primary music and how it continues to bless the lives of Saints everywhere, sometimes in their most difficult moments.
Primary Music Testifies of Jesus Christ and His Doctrine
Primary music is a powerful way for children to learn of Jesus Christ and His gospel. Sacred music is a vital part of their spiritual foundation that will bless, strengthen, and guide them throughout their lives. We can help children identify and understand important doctrinal truths while using realistic images of the Savior and taking every opportunity to testify to His divinity.Each week’s “Come, Follow Me — For Individuals and Families” outline includes a suggested song that focuses on the doctrine being taught. In the “Come, Follow Me — For Primary” manual, “Appendix A: Instructions for Singing Time and the Children’s Sacrament Meeting Presentation” also lists “Suggested Music for Singing Time” each month that has been carefully selected to reinforce the doctrine being taught at church and at home. We hope you are utilizing these suggested songs to help children learn, know and act on key doctrines.
Primary Music Helps Children Feel the Holy Ghost
President Dallin H. Oaks taught in his October 1994 general conference address that “the singing of hymns is one of the best ways to put ourselves in tune with the Spirit of the Lord. I wonder if we are making enough use of this heaven-sent resource in our meetings, in our classes, and in our homes.”
As we attend singing time and classes, we love seeing music leaders and teachers occasionally pause after a song and ask the children what they are feeling. Some children feel peace while others feel happy. Some feel chills while others feel warmth. Doing so will help the children learn to recognize how the Holy Ghost speaks uniquely and individually to them.

The Primary General Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: President Susan H. Porter (center) with Sister Amy W. Wright, First Counselor (left) and Sister Tracy Y. Browning, Second Counselor (right).2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
Primary Music Engages Children in Gospel Learning and Sharing
We can also strengthen children’s understanding of the doctrines being taught as we actively engage them in the learning process. Asking inspired questions that invite reflection and personal application are key.
For example, here are a few questions one music leader asked the children to answer as he taught them “The Holy Ghost” (105).
- When teaching the line “He [Christ] promised He would send the Holy Ghost to comfort us,” the music leader asked the children questions like, “What does ‘comfort’ feel like?” and “When have you felt the Holy Ghost comfort you?”
- As the children learned “The Holy Spirit whispers with a still small voice,” he asked for their response with prompts such as, “How can we be ready to hear the still small voice?” and “When has the Holy Ghost helped you know to do something?”
- For the line “When we are confirmed by sacred priesthood pow’r,” he asked someone who had recently been confirmed to share what that experience was like for them.
- About the phrase “The Holy Ghost is giv’n to us to guide us ev’ry hour,” he shared one of his experiences of acting on a prompting, and then he invited a couple of children to share how they have felt guided by the Holy Ghost.
This inspired music leader invited the children to “be ... doers of the word, and not hearers only” (James 1:22). We testify that engaging children through actions, visuals, song, and opportunities to share, will lay a doctrinal foundation of the gospel of Jesus Christ that will stay with them for a lifetime.
Download a PDF of the suggested music for singing time in 2023 here.
Suggested Music for Singing Time
“I’m Trying to Be like Jesus,” Children’s Songbook, 78–79
“Did You Think to Pray?” Hymns, no. 140
“Tell Me the Stories of Jesus,” Children’s Songbook, 57
“Faith,” Children’s Songbook, 96–97
“I Feel My Savior’s Love,” Children’s Songbook, 74–75
“Jesus Has Risen,” Children’s Songbook, 70
“Keep the Commandments,” Children’s Songbook, 146–47
“Families Can Be Together Forever,” Children’s Songbook, 188
“I Am a Child of God,” Children’s Songbook, 2–3
“Love One Another,” Children’s Songbook, 136–37
“Behold the Great Redeemer Die,” Hymns, no. 191
“Did Jesus Really Live Again?” Children’s Songbook, 64
“Stand for the Right,” Children’s Songbook, 159
“I’ll Walk with You,” Children’s Songbook, 140–41
“I Know My Father Lives,” Children’s Songbook, 5
“When I Am Baptized,” Children’s Songbook, 103
“The Holy Ghost,” Children’s Songbook, 105
“The Lord Gave Me a Temple,” Children’s Songbook, 153
“When We’re Helping,” Children’s Songbook, 198
“A Child’s Prayer,” Children’s Songbook, 12–13
“I Know That My Redeemer Lives,” Hymns, no. 136
“When He Comes Again,” Children’s Songbook, 82–83
“The Church of Jesus Christ,” Children’s Songbook, 77
“I Love to See the Temple,” Children’s Songbook, 95
“Search, Ponder, and Pray,” Children’s Songbook, 109
“Tell Me, Dear Lord,” Children’s Songbook, 176
“Kindness Begins with Me,” Children’s Songbook, 145
“My Heavenly Father Loves Me,” Children’s Songbook, 228–29
“Choose the Right Way,” Children’s Songbook, 160–61
“When I Am Baptized,” Children’s Songbook, 103
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