Relief Society General Presidency
The cover art for the Relief Society Worldwide Facebook page that launched on February 27, 2024, includes a picture of the Relief Society General Presidency: President Camille N. Johnson, center, Sister J. Anette Dennis, left, and Sister Kristin M. Yee, right. Image is a screenshot from Facebook 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.This story appears here courtesy of TheChurchNews.com. It is not for use by other media.
By Mary Richards, Church News
Women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are invited to follow new Facebook and Instagram accounts just for them.
Relief Society Worldwide is an initiative of the Relief Society General Presidency, found on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/reliefsocietyworldwide/ and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/yreliefsocietyworldwide/
In a video posted on the new accounts today, February 27, Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson said she looked forward to establishing a global community of Relief Society sisters.
“You are a conduit through which Jesus Christ provides His relief,” she said, “and we are thrilled to share your stories. Because whenever you provide relief, temporal or spiritual, you are bringing others the love of Jesus Christ.”
Sister J. Anette Dennis, First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency, said this will also be an opportunity for women to get to know the Relief Society General Advisory Council.
“We are so excited for you to get to know our council members who will share their personal stories with you. We belong to a global sisterhood, and we can’t wait to share experiences from sisters around the world.”
Second counselor Sister Kristin M. Yee added, “And you will see inspiring examples of higher, holier ministering and what it looks like to be a covenant-keeping woman and the blessings that come from living your covenants.”
What Relief Society Worldwide Will Include
Similar to Young Women Worldwide and Young Men Worldwide, the new Relief Society Worldwide is a place to find connection, unity and strength in Jesus Christ.
In a series of posts on the first day, new followers read this message: “Welcome to a space where every woman is cherished. You belong to the Relief Society!”
The posts explained that the Facebook and Instagram accounts will:
- Unite, build and strengthen women on a shared journey of discipleship and divine connection.
- Foster friendships that span continents and support each other in becoming more like Jesus Christ.
- Explore the profound joy, strength and power that come from making and keeping covenants with God.
- Share stories of relief, resilience and renewal from every corner of the globe.
- Witness how women receive the relief of Jesus Christ when they provide relief to their sisters and brothers.
- Learn from insights, ideas and testimonies on ministering with a Christlike touch.
- Give more personal insight into the women of the Relief Society General Presidency and the Relief Society General Advisory Council.
The accounts also answered questions in Spanish and Portuguese about the upcoming March 17 Worldwide Relief Society Devotional.
The general presidency continues to post on their own social media accounts. See Church News coverage of leaders’ social media posts at https://www.thechurchnews.com/leaders/week-on-social/.
“Sisters, we love you and are so happy to connect with you in this new way,” President Johnson said. “We hope that sharing these experiences will help create belonging in a global community of Relief Society sisters.”

Relief Society wheat
An image of wheat is spread over the first six posts on the Relief Society Worldwide Instagram account, launched February 27, 2024. Image is a screenshot from Instagram. 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Copyright 2023 Deseret News Publishing Company.