stake presidency
The stake president holds the priesthood keys to lead the work of the Church in a specific geographical area. He and his two counselors form a stake presidency. They care for stake members with love, helping them become true followers of Jesus Christ.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.This story appears here courtesy of TheChurchNews.com. It is not for use by other media.
By Church News Staff, Church News
Following is a list of newly created stakes and stake presidencies of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from around the world.
NOTE: When a new stake is created or a stake presidency is reorganized in an existing stake, leaders are given time to report the changes and provide brief biographical information for each member of the new stake presidency. A list of stakes reporting changes is compiled and published at the end of each month. The actual date of the stake’s creation or reorganization is in parentheses following the name of the stake.
Reorganized Stake Presidencies
BABAHOYO ECUADOR STAKE: (July 7, 2024) President — Vladimir Jahir Villacrés Varas, 32, Banco Pichincha commercial officer and services; succeeding Juan Miguel Nieto Mayorga; wife, Jennifer Nataly Camino De Villacrés. Counselors — Ivan Gonzalo Rumbea Rivera, 29, Municipal Gad Canton Simón Bolívar head of public procurement; wife, Karen Katherine Moreno Romero. Alexi Alejandro Alvarado Onofre, 33, Emsaba EP billing and collection assistant; wife, Jahaira Andreina de Alvarado Alvarez.
CIUDAD DEL ESTE PARAGUAY STAKE: (June 23, 2024) President — Fapricio de Oliveira, 43, Realy S.A. manager; succeeding Jorge Erico Gomez Rodas; wife, Celisangela de Lira Silva Oliveira. Counselors — César Felipe Alvarez Portillo, 39, self-employed; wife, Norma Beatriz Alvarez Devalle. Felix Ariel Martinez Cristaldo, 44, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints property manager; wife, Bernardina Martinez Enriquez.
FEIRA DE SANTANA BRAZIL STAKE: (June 2, 2024) President — Edson Jorge dos Santos Nogueira, 49, Team do Brasil industrial maintenance technician; succeeding Hugo Marcelo Arostegui Viega; wife, Noia Celeste Brito Nogueira. Counselors — Luciano Cosmme Figueiredo Ferreira, 49, Holy House of Mercy of Saint Anthony of Jesus purchasing administrator; wife, Andreia Luiza de Jesus Ferreira. Wedson Barbosa dos Santos, 44, businessman; wife, Fabiana Silva Barbosa dos Santos.
MERCEDES URUGUAY STAKE: (June 16, 2024) President — Ricardo Fabian Camargo Vazquez, 50, Marfrig Global Food Marfrig Fray Bentos manager; succeeding Hugo Ariel Silva Viglielm; wife, Nancy Giovanna Chineppe Da Silva. Counselors — Ricardo Alcides Curbelo, 65, retired; wife, Nancy Cristina Luján Timote. Néstor Ildo Muape Fúnez, 51, retired police officer; wife, Laura Izaguirre.
OSORNO CHILE RAHUE STAKE: (June 9, 2024) President — Guillermo Alejandro Quintana Veloso, 39, independent food technician; succeeding Hector Renato Carcamo Vargas; wife, Elizabeth Carolina de Quintana Silva. Counselors — Rodrigo Alejandro Manquel Guajardo, 41, Zurich Chile S.A. insurance agent; wife, Susana Valesca Cardenas Huilitraro. Juan Gerardo Nahuel Conejeros, 54, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints property manager; wife, Viviana Alejandra de Nahuel Ruiz.
SALINA CRUZ MÉXICO STAKE: (June 30, 2024) President — Hervin Hernandez Lopez, 32, BBVA México S.A. head of the government bank in the Isthmus and Coast of Oaxaca; succeeding Francisco Alberto Diaz Carcini; wife, Ana Ofelia Medina Lopez. Counselors — Martin Sanchez Lopez, 58, retired; wife, Mireya Molano Martinez. Rafael Barrera de La Cruz, 34, Isthmus Carousel administrator; wife, Karina de Barrera Garcia.
TRELEW ARGENTINA NORTH STAKE: (June 9, 2024) President — David Nicolas Illieff, 42, real estate broker; succeeding Carols Ivan Filipponi; wife, Cecilia Roxana Vidal. Counselors — Edgardo Gustavo Cayuqueo, 52, family adviser and coach; wife, Ana Carolina Cayuqueo. Gustavo Fabian Gonzalia, 43, commercial employee; wife, Analia Magdalena Gonzalia.
VALPARAÍSO BRAZIL STAKE: (May 26, 2024) President — Hudson de Pinho Barbosa, 35, businessman; succeeding Kleber Pereira dos Santos; wife, Kedma Karen da Silva Pinho. Counselors — Francisco Eduardo Custodio Oliveira, 51, businessman; wife, Efigênia Fernandes da Silva Oliveira. Thiago Moreno do Nascimento, 42, Colégio Fonte do Saber secondary and elementary school teacher; wife, Kelian Renata Azevêdo dos Santos Nascimento.
SANTO DOMINGO ECUADOR STAKE: (June 9, 2024) President — Piero Vladimir Echanique Vera, 37, Echanique Cueva Urbanization manager; succeeding Christian Antonio Torres Zhune; wife, Grace Pamela Echanique Lopez. Counselors — Luis Eduardo Monserrate Silva, 39, National Police Cooperative business adviser; wife, Veronica Fernanda de Monserrate Cadena. Cristhian Berlin Peñafiel Dedeño, 39, Maresa automotive adviser; wife, Lucia Angelica Monserrate de Peñafiel.