stake presidency
The stake president holds the priesthood keys to lead the work of the Church in a specific geographical area. He and his two counselors form a stake presidency. They care for stake members with love, helping them become true followers of Jesus Christ.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.This story appears here courtesy of TheChurchNews.com. It is not for use by other media.
By Church News Staff, Church News
Following is a list of newly created stakes and stake presidencies of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from around the world.
NOTE: When a new stake is created or a stake presidency is reorganized in an existing stake, leaders are given time to report the changes and provide brief biographical information for each member of the new stake presidency. A list of stakes reporting changes is compiled and published at the end of each month. The actual date of the stake’s creation or reorganization is in parentheses following the name of the stake.
Reorganized Stake Presidencies
ABIDJAN COTE D’IVOIRE NIANGON NORTH STAKE: (Aug. 18, 2024) President — Kadjo Constant Angaman, 50, Abidjan Terminal operating agent; succeeding Koffi Guillaume N’guessan; wife, Baziah Marie Ange Seri Angaman. Counselors — Michel Flan, 34, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints treasury accountant and local unit analyst; wife, Gba Doh Lorraine Flan. Didier Bleu, 44, School Alliance communications manager and CCP International assistant manager; wife, Gogui Dominique Andrée Gogoua Bleu.
BEAUMONT TEXAS STAKE: (Aug. 11, 2024) President — Euclides Kish Jasso, 47, Motiva Enterprises LLC environmental manager of chemicals and distribution; succeeding Mark David Ratcliff; wife, Kristi Karene Turley Jasso. Counselors — Bruce Scott Collins, 53, Indorama Ventures turnaround capital projects manager; wife, Nicole Jeanette Boren Collins. Matthew Mason Ruggles, 41, ExxonMobil reliability lead; wife, Meghan Rosann Merritt Ruggles.
BOISE IDAHO NORTH STAKE: (Sept. 8, 2024) President — Matthew Ryan Nelson, 49, cardiologist; succeeding Aaron Lloyd Maybon; wife, Lindsey Ann Cottam Nelson. Counselors — Geffery Dean Anderson, 65, chiropractor; wife, Kathleen McMillan Anderson. Robert Steven Farrell, 64, SGI head of family office and director of fixed-income and private capital; wife, Debra Ann Niblett Farrell.
BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA ALDO BONZI STAKE: (Sept. 8, 2024) President — Alfredo Daniel Delgadillo, 43, pastry and bread maker; succeeding Javier Solano Lugo; wife, Karina Matilde Delgadillo. Counselors — Pablo Andres Avila, 32, Inducon Flexible Containers SRL senior accounting and administrative analyst; wife, Wendy Melani Avila. Paul Sabu Pizarro Segovia, 38, assistant to hotel supervisor; wife, Laura Elina Pizarro.
CALABAR NIGERIA SOUTH STAKE: (Aug. 18, 2024) President — Prince Kalu Ukpai, 38, self-employed; succeeding Samuel Agwu Ukoha; wife, Otu Antigha Antigha Cobham Kalu Ukpai. Counselors — Aniekan Wisdom Okon, 48, self-employed; wife, Nkpele Aniekan Mboto Aniekan Okon. Ezekiel Negbo Agboloh, 40, Presbyterian Educational Authority CRS head of mathematics department; wife, Rasine Okum Bassey Ezekiel Agboloh.
CEBU PHILIPPINES CENTRAL STAKE: (Sept. 22, 2024) President — Edmon Guimalan Cordero, 50, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints clothing supervisor; succeeding Arnulfo Gabunada Gorgonio; wife, Joselyn Postrado Villaruel Cordero. Counselors — Cara Ali Norteza Vergara, 30, JP Morgan Chase cross-skill specialist; wife, Richlyn Carulasan Vergara. Paule Kenji Maglasang Tokunaga, 36, self-employed; wife, Gemma Tomaquin Unabia Tokunaga.
CEDAR HILLS UTAH WEST STAKE: (Sept. 21, 2024) President — Jason Todd Terry, 53, Intermountain Health director of outpatient neuro rehabilitation; succeeding Charles Edward Arnold; wife, Jennifer Clarke Terry. Counselors — Matthew Huber Giles, 52, Brigham Young University physical facilities assistant administration vice president; wife, Kamelle Newton Giles. Steven Rex Fillmore, 44, Seminaries and Institutes of Religion seminary teacher; wife, Mindy Miller Fillmore.
CHEONGJU KOREA STAKE: (May 5, 2024) President — Hongjo Yang, 56, Aveva Korea managing director; succeeding Woo Cheol Lee; wife, Hyeonkyung Lee. Counselors — Woo Kwan Lee, 53, Cheonan Oseong High School high school teacher; wife, Yeongmi Han. Hae Sang Jung, 42, Seminaries and Institutes of Religion coordinator; wife, Jinah Jeong.
FARMINGTON NEW MEXICO STAKE: (Aug. 18, 2024) President — Grant David Allred, 46, Webb Automotive Group Inc. dealer principal; succeeding Jonathan Brent Hancock; wife, Brittani Webb Allred. Counselors — Jeffery Scott Nygren Jr., 49, pharmacist; wife, Britney Ann Kolste Nygren. Joseph David Hakes, 45, family physician; wife, Kaitlin Blankenship Hakes.
FESITRANH HONDURAS STAKE: (Aug. 18, 2024) President — Kemish Javier Martinez Rodriguez Martinez, 45, psychotherapist; succeeding Luis Gerardo Mineros Jacome; wife, Ana Rebeca Garcia Orellana de Martinez. Counselors — Selvin Allan Muñoz Paz, 54, Industrial Mechanic owner; wife, Carol Johana de Muñoz Martinez. Jose Manuel Fiallos Escobar, 52, Ministry of Public Health morgue manager; wife, Delmy Jamileth Velasquez Tobar de Fiallos.
GILBERT ARIZONA STAPLEY STAKE: (Sept. 29, 2024) President — Bradley James Johnston, 56, attorney; succeeding James Eldon Brignone; wife, Amy Hansen Johnston. Counselors — Val Jon Carroll, 55, VYC Properties LLC owner; wife, Yoshimi Asada Carroll. Ryan James Milcarek, 34, Arizona State University associate professor; wife, Brittany Anne Jerrett Salvage Milcarek.
GLENDORA CALIFORNIA STAKE: (Sept. 22, 2024) President — David Bryan Cisneros, 59, Haco Culinary CEO; succeeding Richard Alan Lemmon; wife, Shannon Diane Stowell Cisneros. Counselors — Sherman Thomas Moore, 54, Scripps Health corporate vice president; wife, Jennifer Lynne Bassett Moore. Ronald Larsen Willes, 55, Kaiser Permanente senior director; wife, Stephanie Peterson Willes.
GUADALAJARA MÉXICO INDEPENDENCIA STAKE: (Aug. 18, 2024) President — Edgar Antonio Martinez Martinez, 38, Seminaries and Institutes of Religion coordinator; succeeding Quinátzin Reyes Gomez; wife, Manty America de Martinez Vidaña. Counselors — Javier Flores Rosales, 52, maintenance technician; wife, Blanca Estela de Flores Gaytan. Carlos Alejandro Rodriguez Aguillon, 42, Sauro Logistics traffic and monitoring employee; wife, Monica del Rocio de Rodriguez Loza.
GUATEMALA CITY NIMAJUYU STAKE: (Sept. 1, 2024) President — Douglas Manuel Morales Bran, 51, Banco Industrial S.A. deputy operations manager assistant; succeeding Holger Abel Alberto Juarez Ponce; wife, Adriana Lucrecia Velasquez Alvarez de Morales. Counselors — Edyn Orlando Davila Sazo, 44, business owner; wife, Lorena Beatriz Monroy Najera de Davila. Alberto Juarez Ponce, 40, Tomza Group legal department manager; wife, Veronica Ester Fajardo Torres de Juarez.
HENDERSON NEVADA BLACK MOUNTAIN STAKE: (Oct. 13, 2024) President — Jeffery Neil Talbot, 51, Roseman University of Health Sciences research vice president; succeeding Douglas Warren Hedger; wife, Laura Rowe Talbot. Counselors — Travis Daniel Keys, 43, Academica managing director; wife, Kimberly Dianne Law Keys. Brian Christopher Gamett, 49, chiropractor; wife, Janalee Leavitt Gamett.
INGLEWOOD CALIFORNIA STAKE: (Sept. 8, 2024) President — Michael Scott Tanner, 46, PSRS president and principal; succeeding Brian Clark Ostler; wife, Lori Ann Lessig Tanner. Counselors — Kevin Alejandro Roundy, 46, Andromeda Security security and AI researcher; wife, Diana María Machado Peñuela Roundy. Scott Joseph Callahan, 51, Howard Technology Solutions project manager; wife, Jennifer Lynn Fidanza Callahan.
IRVINE CALIFORNIA STAKE: (Oct. 20, 2024) President — Anthony Taylor Smith, 45, Restaurant 365 CEO and co-founder; succeeding Tait Lee Eyre; wife, Jessica Ann Jones Smith. Counselors — Ryan Macallister Phelps, 45, Cynamic City Capital chief information officer and partner; wife, Rachel Stayner Phelps. Gregory Russell Byers, 51, Chagee operations leader of the U.S.; wife, Jenna Gunnell Byers.
KLAMATH FALLS OREGON STAKE: (Sept. 8, 2024) President — Trevor J Petersen, 43, clinical psychologist and Oregon Tech professor of psychology; succeeding Charles Kip Phillips; wife, Lauren Nichole Jones Petersen. Counselors — Richard Allen Schuster Jr., 50, U.S. Air Force and Oregon Air Guard lieutenant colonel and commander; wife, Jennifer Shirlene Davis Schuster. Gregory Charles Davis Jr., 49, fire chief; wife, Lindsey Rachelle Rothenberger Davis.
LA ROMANA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC STAKE: (Sept. 8, 2024) President — Andres Francisco Tapia Guerrero, 34, self-employed sales manager and Ministry of Education of the Dominican Republic English teacher; succeeding George Alejandro Marmol; wife, Carla Valentina Guzmán Natalio. Counselors — Mario Antonio Mejia Féliz, 49, Agroesa SRL sales representative; wife, Gleny Herrera de Mejia. Yonathan Abreu López, 37, E&S Furniture and Decorations administrator; wife, Stephany Salcedo.
LAS VEGAS NEVADA SKYE CANYON STAKE: (Sept. 22, 2024) President — Marc Rosell McRae, 39, dentist; succeeding Michael Christopher Gardner; wife, Janelle Kaye Johnson McRae. Counselors — Richard Todd Creer, 44, Kamer Zucker Abbot attorney; wife, Stephanie Clara Foust Creer. Vaughn Clair Stewart, 46, Stewart Legacy Construction president; wife, Amber Lynn Mann Stewart.
LIMA PERÚ VITARTE STAKE: (Sept. 8, 2024) President — Benjamin Brayan Sifuentes Estrada, 30, JJK Holding Sac financial and administrative manager; succeeding Eliseo Eudosio Oré Camarena; wife, Fiorella Adriana del Carmen de Sifuentes Piña. Counselors — David Enrique Capcha Denegri, 42, University of Sciences and Humanities professor; wife, Maria Cristina Orellana Hidalgo. Ludwig Javier Colan Bances, 41, National Superintendence of Tax Administration specialist auditor; wife, Yerce Yene de Colan Rivas.
LOGAN UTAH YSA 4TH STAKE: (Sept. 15, 2024) President — Eldon Scott Roe, 57, Seminaries and Institutes of Religion employee; succeeding William Brent Evans; wife, Jody Lynn Daniels Roe. Counselors — Blake Lyle Evans, 52, Border States account manager; wife, Holli Anne Johnson Evans. Robert Todd Thornley, 57, CMP P.C. partner; wife, Deanne Pope Thornley.
LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA STAKE: (Sept. 29, 2024) President — Brian Craig Ames, 42, Goldman Sachs investment adviser; succeeding Steven Michael Rudd; wife, Emily may Hill Ames. Counselors — Trevor Kingsley Brazier, 52, Connexity Inc. product delivery director and Jolt Delivery CEO; wife, Kristen Bird. Jake D Peterson, 38, self-employed; wife, Michelle Allen Peterson.
MÉXICO CITY CHURUBUSCO STAKE: (Aug. 18, 2024) President — Luis Rafael Peralta Castelan, 37, independent construction worker; succeeding Celso Pablo Moreno Arrieta; wife, Ana María Elizalde de Peralta. Counselors — Guillermo Dominguez Ramirez, 58, Dominguez & Ramirez Abogados law firm partner; wife, Martha Elisa Torres Meza. Nayar Zepeda Barragan, 46, Ford Motors Co. senior design and release engineer; wife, Edna Aridahi Bravo Sansalvador.
MONTICELLO UTAH STAKE: (Sept. 29, 2024) President — Bradley David Bunker, 48, business owner; succeeding Kurt Eldon Lewis; wife, Julie Adams Bunker. Counselors — Daniel Greaves Anderson, 59, Anderson-Oliver Title Insurance Agency and Anderson & Anderson PC owner; wife, Sue Ellen Woodward Anderson. Jacob Elmer Palma, 38, Bureau of Land Management field manager; wife, Kelleen Marie Crosby Palma.
NAIROBI KENYA WEST STAKE: (Sept. 1, 2024) President — Peter Ombong’i Ondigo, 39, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints mission housing coordinator; succeeding Prince Henry Omondi; wife, Pauline Khanali Mwambi Ondigo. Counselors — Victor Odhiambo Ochieng, 44, self-employed; wife, Christine Akinyi Ochieng. Karimu Naku, 37, business director; wife, Elizabeth Muyoma Amukhale Naku.
PAISLEY SCOTLAND STAKE: (Sept. 8, 2024) President — Umberto Guiseppe Gilardi, 54, Gilardi Bakers Ltd. managing director; succeeding Andrew Paul Dewey; wife, Angela Forrest Gilardi. Counselors — Matthew William King, 36, Sign Language Interactions general manager; wife, Keir-Nan Kerr King. Stephen William Cox, 48, social worker; wife, Laureana Kabigting Salom Cox.
PANAMA CITY FLORIDA STAKE: (Sept. 22, 2024) President — Darren Wayne Bevans, 50, AgReserves general manager; succeeding Jacob Conrad Fish; wife, Christal Lee Fredriksen Bevans. Counselors — David Aaron Miller, 45, Reworld area finance lead; wife, Candic Jones Miller. Jared Welton Pratt, 49, Epiroc vice president of sales and Preferred Compliance Solutions partner; wife, Stephanie Elizabeth McMullen Pratt.
PLAINVIEW NEW YORK STAKE: (Sept. 15, 2024) President — Glenn Michael Edwards, 47, Huntington School District teacher; succeeding Barrett Lynn Richards; wife, Natalie Francoise La Fleur Edwards. Counselors — German Alirio Martinez, 41, Amityville Heart Center medical billing; wife, Janet del Carmen Pineda Martinez. Joseph Ray Bjarnson, 44, Sahn Ward Braff Coschignano PLLC partner; wife, Lindsey Brook McCullough Bjarnson.
PORT HARCOURT NIGERIA NORTH STAKE: (Sept. 15, 2024) President — Obiesia Lucky John-Jaja, 42, Rivers State Government administrative officer; succeeding Federick Ndah Igweh; wife, Blessing Aimienro Ekhueorohan John-Jaja. Counselors — Igbikioyibo Patrick Oruene, 38, Brookstone Secondary School head of school; wife, Nasigba Gibson Tom Jaja Oruene. Victor Osamudiamen Omokaro, 42, Veyys Integrated Services Ltd. manager; wife, Evbu Omobude Erhabor Omokaro.
RENO NEVADA MOUNT ROSE STAKE: (Sept. 15, 2024) President — Blake Kent Wilde, 46, pediatric dentist; succeeding Brent Ryan Farr; wife, Brooke Jean Misseldine Wilde. Counselors — Christopher Charles O’Neil, 48, Striver Group CEO and president, and CNW Properties CEO; wife, Nicole Corrine Dutton O’Neil. Thomas Andrew Simpkins, 46, Manufacture Nevada executive director; wife, Kandice Marie Anderson Simpkins.
REYNOSA MÉXICO EAST STAKE: (Sept. 29, 2024) President — Jose Abel Perez Hernandez, 34, general surgeon; succeeding Martin Berra Enriquez; wife, Nayla Lizzeth Hernandez Morales. Counselors — Andres Almazan Cisneros, 50, Unomedical Devices SA de CV maintenance manager; wife, Rosalba Perez Castro. Angel Moroni Cruz Vazquez, 38, Stanley Black & Decker lead engineer; wife, Darling Dairlice Rodríguez Hernández.
REYNOSA MÉXICO STAKE: (Sept. 8, 2024) President — Alvaro Dorantes Arroyo, 46, Empresa Propia Express Line general director; succeeding Francisco José Martínez Rivera; wife, Nancy del Carmen de Dorantes Ponce. Counselors — Jesus Cruz Vazquez, 51, Gruma marketing supervisor; wife, Alejandra Saraí de Cruz Martínez. Edgar Ivan Martinez Loya, 36, Caterpillar Reynosa manufacturing engineer; wife, Paola Yaneth Aguilar Mendoza.
ROUND ROCK TEXAS EAST STAKE: (Sept. 29, 2024) President — Darren Jensen Parker, 55, Vertex territory account manager; succeeding Channing Robert Williams; wife, Wendy Sue Cantrell Parker. Counselors — Adam Cade Wilcox, 43, General Motors development IT manager; wife, Carolyn Anne Curtis Wilcox. Adam Thomas Arnesen, 39, Emerson Electric Co. software product manager; wife, Sarah Michelle Huggard Arnesen.
SAMBORONDÓN ECUADOR STAKE: (Sept. 15, 2024) President — Edward Vladimir Zambrano Ortega, 36, doctor; succeeding Freddy Marlon Gonzalez Pomader; wife, Joselyn Nichole Espino Rivadeneira. Counselors — Eduardo Enrique Mosquera Valero, 51, technological adviser; wife, Lidia Valeria Galarza de Mosquera. David Michael Bodniza Vernaza, 36, Bago Laboratories medical visitor; wife, Wendy Gabriela de Bodniza Mendez.
SAN ANTONIO TEXAS NORTH STAKE: (Sept. 15, 2024) President — Bryan Clifford Carlson, 50, Delta Airlines pilot; succeeding Greg Laurence Neuberger; wife, Kacee Jensen Carlson. Counselors — Jeffrey Charles Gifford, 52, Dykema Gossett PLLC member attorney; wife, Tamara Lynne Eldredge Gifford. John Robert Lowry, 48, PIC Business Systems Inc. chief operations officer and executive vice president; wife, Joann Patterson Lowry.
SANTIAGO CHILE ALICAHUE STAKE: (Aug. 11, 2024) President — Andres Alonso Angulo Troncoso, 40, Peñalolén Corp. medical health center director; succeeding Samuel Eduardo Colicheo Soto; wife, Maria Fernanda Madonado Velasquez. Counselors — Alejandro Eloy Pardo Burgos, 53, Intronica Ltd. IT manager; wife, Ruth Alejandra Albornoz Zapata. Jorge Eduardo Barrios Alegria, 38, Enfragen high voltage maintenance engineer; wife, Geraldi Natalia de Barrios Rosales.
SANTO DOMINGO DOMINICAN REPUBLIC LOS RESTAURADORES STAKE: (Sept. 15, 2024) President — Laudin Santana Cuevas, 38, telecommunication technician; succeeding Alejandro Mariñex Paniagua; wife, Rosa Gilma Ortiz Feliz. Counselors — Alexander Ortiz Núñez, 47, Claro Dominicana portability executive and Corripio Media Newspaper TODAY employee; wife, Martha Xiomara Landa Rodriguez. Abel Fernando Fernandez, 35, HLJ Services SRL general manager; wife, Gardenia Berbere de Fernandez.
SILVER CREEK ARIZONA STAKE: (Sept. 15, 2024) President — Ira Guy Parry, 46, Ira Parry Custom Builders Inc. president and owner; succeeding Arthur Wayne Hardy; wife, Melissa Ann Gibson Parry. Counselors — Dustin Roy Franco, 53, Occupational Safety Services Inc. president; wife, Sarai Campos Franco. Michael Ron Ellsworth, 54, attorney; wife, Kimberly Dawn Rogers Ellsworth.
STEVENSVILLE MONTANA STAKE: (Sept. 15, 2024) President — Cameron Dawson Criddle, 51, BeeHive Homes of Hamilton owner; succeeding Owen W Robbins; wife, Lisa Kristine Deehr Criddle. Counselors — Robb Ramsey Horlacher, 53, business owner; wife, Amy Carol Black Horlacher. Del Milton Post, 47, attorney; wife, Nicole Faye Nichols Post.
SYDNEY AUSTRALIA MORTDALE STAKE: (Sept. 8, 2024) President — Dildar Singh Jassar, 46, Singapore Airlines cargo sales supervisor; succeeding David Tufuga; wife, Melissa Maxeen Tanveer Hussain Jassar. Counselors — James Tawhio Ormsby, 67, A1 Chemicals owner; wife, Tanya Bosman Ormsby. Metui Takinanga Maile, 39, self-employed director; wife, Aniuaniua Talanoa Maile.
TAINAN TAIWAN STAKE: (Aug. 11, 2024) President — Jung Chin Tsai, 52, Innolux Optoelectronics Co. Ltd. senior engineer; succeeding Te Lung Liu; wife, Hui Rong Luo. Counselors — Ming I Huang, 50, manager; wife, Chia Chen Hsieh. Jui Hung Wei, 52, Wei Ruihong Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.
TAMPA FLORIDA STAKE: (Sept. 15, 2024) President — Kasey Corbin Hess, 32, Marathon Coach Inc. director of motorsports and sales; succeeding George Patrick Thornton; wife, Monica Hawkes Hess. Counselors — David Jared Knisley, 44, Fizen Technology founder and managing principal; wife, Talia Jean O’Brien Knisley. Jayesh Kishore Patel, 50, JKP Consulting owner; wife, Tracie Lyn Shelton Patel.
TEMUCO CHILE ÑIELOL STAKE: (Sept. 8, 2024) President — Jose Vicente Leon Millanao, 40, Gh Spa Laboratory field supervisor; succeeding Camilo Cesar Lopez Palavecino; wife, Evelyn Valeria Ainol Oyarzun. Counselors — Nelson Alejandro Jara Ruiz, 49, Transportes Cruz del Sur Ltd. controller; wife, Claudia Victoria de Jara Ortiz. Agustin Ignacio Nicolas Vera Valle, 32, legal adviser and branch manager; wife, Paula Daniela Fierro Quiroz.
TIERRA DEL FUEGO ARGENTINA STAKE: (Sept. 22, 2024) President — Heber Leonel Frau, 40, teacher; succeeding Lucas Daniel Pedro Romano; wife, Ruth Elizabeth Pontelli Frau. Counselors — Jose Francisco Aguirre Villarroel, 32, Savings and Insurance Bank commercial representative; wife, Cecilia Irene Aguirre Villarroel. Israel Sebastian Arario, 37, National University of Tierra del Fuego professor, and self-employed adviser; wife, Rebeca Victoria Romeu.
TORREÓN MÉXICO STAKE: (Oct. 13, 2024) President — Francisco Javier Fonseca Torres, 60, company owner and general director; succeeding Ricardo Ismael Silva Hernandez; wife, Ma. Margarita de Fonseca Castañeda. Counselors — Daniel Gomez Junco Santillan, 34, SEUAC administrative manager; wife, Ad-Ragu Abish de los Santos Canaan. Jacob Castañeda Cepeda, 32, Judicial Branch of the Federation judicial officer; wife, Maria Cristina Esparza de la Rosa.
TOTONICAPÁN GUATEMALA STAKE: (Sept. 22, 2024) President — Wilson Geovany Socop Gutiérrez, 53, Agros International manager; succeeding Mario Rodolfo Juárez Urrutia; wife, Olga Lidia Rodríguez Vásquez. Counselors — Lester René Herrera Velásquez, 38, Swiss Association for Development and Cooperation general accountant; wife, Gladys Dianira Avila Reyes de Herrera. Manuel Doroteo Tzul Alvarado, 45, Mayaversatil financial manager; wife, Norma Elizabeth Barrios Coyoy de Tzul.
UPLAND CALIFORNIA STAKE: (Sept. 8, 2024) President — Serge Woodruff Mayer, 43, Woodruff Mayer Architecture Inc. principal architect; succeeding Todd Jerry Nielsen; wife, Sara Dawn Hauver Mayer. Counselors — David Lee Frandsen, 56, nurse practitioner; wife, Kimberly Dee Hellings Frandsen. Alvaro Gabriel Ayala, 48, ILink Business Management Inc. president; wife, Evelyn Moya Ayala.
VILLA NUEVA HONDURAS STAKE: (Sept. 8, 2024) President — Luis Francisco Reyes Flores, 36, Otti Investments administrative manager; succeeding Juan Dario Pineda Herrera; wife, Keiry Paola Enamorado de Reyes. Counselors — Manuel Diaz Diaz, 54, self-employed; wife, Iris Suyapa Tome de Diaz. Yader Alberto Sanchez Urbina, 36, entrepreneur; wife, Osiris Marlene Pinto de Sanchez.
WEST JORDAN UTAH OQUIRRH POINT STAKE: (Sept. 29, 2024) President — Peter Glen Bradford, 48, AgReserves Inc. IT director; succeeding Derrel William Grappendorf; wife, Sharey Meldrum Bradford. Counselors — Jason Andrew Davis, 55, Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple recorder; wife, January Best Davis. Daniel William Johnson, 48, West Valley City public works director; wife, Cynthia Donell Hansen Johnson.