News Release

Russian Doctor Puts Career on Hold to Serve Mormon Mission

Anton Rets did not realize the impact a Knoxville, Tennessee, family’s faith would have on his life while he lived in their home as a 16-year-old exchange student from Perm, Russia. Now age 27, he is a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Rules of the exchange organization prohibited the Tennessee family from sharing their religion with him. But years later, as a medical student in Russia, he was approached by Mormon missionaries who showed him a familiar book — the Book of Mormon. He joined the Church nine months later.

Rets obtained his medical degree and began work as a pathologist at Perm State Hospital. Following much prayer, Dr. Rets made the hard decision to put his career on hold for two years to voluntarily serve as a missionary for the Church.

Now Elder Rets — one of a handful of missionaries from other countries serving in the western New York area — says this volunteer service has changed his life.

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