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Trusting God Will Help Through Troubled Times, Elder Bednar Says While Visiting Europe

An Apostle comes to Croatia for the first time in 13 years; Elder Bednar also makes stops in Germany and Poland

Syndicated from the Europe Newsroom

Elder David A. Bednar of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints testified that trusting in God helps us through troubled times during a 10-day ministering visit to three countries in Central Europe in May 2023.

The member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles traveled with his wife, Sister Susan Bednar, and with Elder Carl B. Cook from the Presidency of the Seventy and his wife, Sister Lynette Cook. They were joined by members of the Europe Central Area Presidency, including their wives, and other Church leaders. The Bednars’ assignment to Europe entailed visits with members, missionaries and friends of the Church in Croatia, Poland and Germany.


In Croatia, Elder Rubén V. Alliaud, from the Europe Central Presidency and his wife, Sister Fabiana Alliaud, accompanied Elder and Sister Bednar. It marked the first visit of an Apostle to Croatia in 13 years.

When meeting with missionaries of the Adriatic North Mission, Elder Bednar taught that we must all strengthen our own faith in the Savior.

“Faith is not a trait that you develop — it is a spiritual gift,” he said. “Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is a principle of action and of power,” he added. “You learn and act on the teachings of Jesus, and then in the process of acting you are blessed with power,” Elder Bednar concluded.

“I just want to tell you missionaries that I love you,” Sister Bednar said. “I admire you. I did not serve as a missionary, but I lived in areas where I could share the gospel every single day, and I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. It blessed me when I was your age. It blessed me forever.”

The Bednars also met with some of the faith’s leaders in a multi-district conference in Zagreb. There, Elder Bednar explained that we can have a deep, covenant connection with God and His Son Jesus Christ.

“The Savior said, ‘Take my yoke upon you,’ (Matthew 11:29) all ye that labour and are heavy laden’ (Matthew 11:28),” he quoted.

“We never pull alone,” Elder Bednar said. “In the midst of commotion and confusion, we have access to the power of godliness through our covenant connection with our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. ... This is not just lovely language; this is a spiritual reality!”

When asked about how to help children attend Church services regularly and practice their faith on a daily basis, Sister Bednar suggested counseling together as families. “As parents, you have an ability to connect with heaven,” she said. Parents could lead by example and bring families together, she suggested.

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles greets young adults in Zagreb, Croatia, on May 21, 2023, part of a 10-day ministry assignment to three countries in central Europe.© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

“Do not complicate the gospel. It is simple,” Elder Bednar told young adults during a devotional in Zagrib. “And that is how we need to teach it — simply and clearly.”

In response to a question on how to live a life pleasing to God, Sister Bednar, “I love the new For the Strength of Youth booklet. This is a valuable resource for anybody of any age,” she added.

In a general Sunday church service in Zagreb, Elder Bednar talked about the importance of worshipping in the house of the Lord with the proper mindset.

“In the temple, are the ordinances, are the covenants going through you?” he asked. “If they are going through you, then you are being changed. You are becoming a new creature in Christ by coming unto Him, worshipping in His house, receiving His instruction, and following His commandments that will change and transform us.”


In Poland, Elder Bednar met with members and friends of the faith in Warsaw. There, he shared an experience he had meeting a 13-year-old girl who was paralyzed as a result of a car accident but who continues to have hope and a faithful attitude in life.

When he asked her how she was doing, the girl replied, “Elder Bednar, I am not mad, and I am not sad, and everything is going to be okay.” She continued, “I would never choose to learn lessons through an accident like this, but it happened. I am learning lessons about my Heavenly Father and the role of Jesus Christ that I do not think I ever would have learned any other way.”

Reflecting on this young girl’s faith, Elder Bednar said, “She cannot walk, but spiritually she can fly, and she is soaring in a most remarkable way!” Paraphrasing President Russell M. Nelson, he said, “Joy is not the result of our circumstances. When we focus on Christ in our lives, we will have joy in whatever circumstances we find ourselves” (see “Joy and Spiritual Survival,” October 2016 general conference).

“It is one thing when you hear President Nelson teach this principle in a general conference message,” Elder Bednar said. “It is quite a different thing when I am holding the hand of this little girl and she is living it.”


In Germany, Elder Bednar held an area-wide instruction meeting for Church leaders in Friedrichsdorf and also met with area young single adult advisors.

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