Sister Natalie W. Adams and Sister Kathleen L. Miner have been called to the Primary General Advisory Council. They will work with the Primary General Presidency to help meet the needs of children around the world.
Sister Adams, 46, lives in the Cobble Creek 6th Ward, West Jordan Cobble Creek Stake in West Jordan, Utah. Born in Provo, Utah, to Philip H. Ware and Sally Scott, she received a degree as an esthetician and has taught piano to children for many years. Sister Adams is married to Joseph C. Adams and they have two children. She has served as a stake and ward Primary president, ward Relief Society and Young Women presidency counselor, and a Primary music leader.
Sister Miner, 61, lives in the East Mill Creek 11th Ward, Salt Lake East Mill Creek North Stake in Salt Lake City, Utah, where she was born. Her parents are Paul E. and Shannon Stewart Ludwig. She studied at the University of Utah. She is married to David H. Miner, and they have four children and six grandchildren. Sister Miner served with her husband as a mission leader in the Russia Rostov-na-Donu Mission from 2015 to 2018. Other callings include ward Relief Society and Young Women president, ward Primary presidency counselor, Primary music leader, Gospel Doctrine teacher, service missionary for BYU-Pathway Worldwide, and various positions in the Sunday School, Young Women, Relief Society and Primary organizations.