The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has issued the following statement regarding Typhoon Mangkhut:
Church leaders have been in contact with mission, stake and district leaders in the path of Typhoon Mangkhut, urging them to take all necessary precautions to prepare those in their care for the storm. Many Church buildings in the path of the typhoon are already being used to shelter members and others, and the Church is working with local vendors to secure food, water and other basic supplies.
Missionaries in affected areas in the Philippines are all safe and accounted for and are being moved to outlying areas. All missionaries have been instructed to carry adequate supplies. Mission presidents are communicating regularly with the parents of missionaries as the situation progresses. Mission leaders in Taiwan and Hong Kong have also been instructed to take necessary precautions.
The Church is monitoring the situation, and local personnel are on standby to coordinate relief efforts as needed. We pray for the safety and wellbeing of the people of the Philippines and those in the surrounding region.