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By Scott Taylor, Church News
In the mid-1960s, Elder D. Todd Christofferson — now of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles — served a young, full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, serving in northern Argentina. He concluded his mission, never expecting to return.
But return he has — multiple times — in various assignments as a Church leader. Most recently, Elder Christofferson revisited his mission area to dedicate the Salta Argentina Temple on June 16.
His returns to Argentina over the years have allowed him to renew acquaintances and witness the growth of the Latter-day Saints and the Church in the land he first loved served six decades ago.
“What a wonderful thing to live long enough to see that transition and the progress of the Lord’s kingdom, all day-to-day invisible to us,” Elder Christofferson, adding “We don’t see what’s happening — but looking back see a tremendous miracle has occurred.”
This Church News video, titled “Renewed Acquaintances” highlights his feelings in those returns to Argentina, which are recapped in a recent Church News podcast interview discussing his missionary experiences.
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