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What to Know About the March 17 Worldwide Relief Society Devotional

Find out details like how to watch the devotional, how long it will be and how to prepare

Left to right, Sister J. Anette Dennis, First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency, Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson, and Sister Kristin M. Yee, Second Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency, during the filming for the March 17 worldwide Relief Society devotional at the Relief Society Building in Salt Lake City on Thursday, February 1, 2024. Photo by Kristin Murphy, courtesy of Church News. Copyright 2024 Deseret News Publishing Company.

This story appears here courtesy of TheChurchNews.com. It is not for use by other media.

By Mary Richards, Church News

On Sunday, March 17, a worldwide Relief Society devotional will be held for all Relief Society women and young women turning 18 in 2024.

Church President Russell M. Nelson and the Relief Society General Presidency — President Camille N. Johnson, Sister J. Anette Dennis and Sister Kristin M. Yee — will speak to women in a pre-recorded broadcast. Following those messages, wards and stakes are invited to have local testimony meetings.

To help leaders and members prepare, the Relief Society general presidency members recently posted questions and answers about the event on social media.

On February 10, President Johnson and her counselors posted the following information on Facebook and Instagram.

Question: “Why are we having this devotional?”

Answer: “In celebration of the organization of Relief Society, we will gather as a worldwide sisterhood to hear a message from President Russell M. Nelson and the Relief Society general presidency, directed specifically to the women. It will be an opportunity to share testimonies of Jesus Christ.”

President Russell M. Nelson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Question: “Where can we watch the devotional?”

Answer: “Local Relief Societies are encouraged to gather to watch the devotional and thereafter to hold their own testimony meeting.”

Question: “Who is invited to the devotional?”

Answer: “All adult women and young women turning 18 in 2024 are invited to attend this unique and special event.”

Question: “How can I prepare for the devotional?”

Answer: “Come with an open heart prepared to reflect upon the ways you have received the relief of Jesus Christ. Consider studying President Johnson’s general conference message ‘Jesus Christ is Relief.’”

On February 17, President Johnson and her counselors posted a followup on Facebook and Instagram with the following questions and answers about the March 17 devotional.

Question: “How long will the devotional last?”

Answer: “The broadcast portion of the devotional will last about 40 minutes. After the broadcast, you will have the opportunity to share testimony with the sisters with whom you are gathered. Local Relief Societies will organize an opening prayer, a closing song, and a closing prayer. So, the whole devotional and testimony meeting will be 1 12 to 2 hours.”

Question: “What time does the devotional start?”

Answer: “On March 17, in every time zone all around the world, women will gather to watch and participate. Local units will decide what time to begin the devotional — so watch for an announcement from your ward or stake Relief Society. It is a unique opportunity to hear messages from President Nelson and the Relief Society general presidency and to share testimony with each other. In areas where travel constraints make gathering in the evening difficult, sisters may wish to gather at another time that day.”

Question: “How can I access the broadcast devotional?”

Answer: “The devotional can be accessed on ChurchofJesusChrist.org and in the Gospel Library. Leaders are encouraged to stream the devotional and testimony meeting to those who cannot attend in person.”

Question: “In which languages will the devotional be available?”

Answer: “American Sign Languages, Cantonese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, Samoan, Spanish and Tongan.”


Copyright 2024 Deseret News Publishing Company.

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