Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 16 |
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By Mary Richards, Church News
In a first of its kind event, youth around the world gathered to bear testimony of Jesus Christ to fill the world with testimonies for a 24-hour time period.
At the beginning of the gatherings at 7 p.m. in each area on October 22, youth heard a message and a testimony from the Prophet and president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Russell M. Nelson.

President Russell M. Nelson bears his testimony in a recorded message for youth shared for the Worldwide Day of Testimony on Sunday, October 22, 2023. Photo is a screenshot from the video, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.“My dear young friends,” he said, “thank you for attending this most memorable meeting. I think about you and pray for you often.”
President Nelson testified during his remarks that Jesus Christ and His restored gospel are “the greatest sources of truth and strength on earth.”
Following the messages from President Nelson, Young Men General President Steven J. Lund and Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman, youth were invited to share their own testimonies of Jesus Christ — and how He has strengthened them.
Samuel Oliveira Alves, a young man in the Floriano Branch in the Brasil Teresina Mission, said as he listened to President Nelson’s testimony, he felt his own testimony being strengthened.
“I know that if we exercise our faith, things will work out according to the level of faith we have,” he said. “I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Savior’s Church on earth and that it was restored by a 14-year-old boy like me, Joseph Smith. I know we will be safe if we follow the Prophet.”
Principles for the Youth
President Nelson gave the youth some principles for them to think about and pray about, including knowledge about who they really are:
- A child of God
- A child of the covenant
- A disciple of Jesus Christ
President Nelson said these three identifiers are more important than any other identifiers. He invited youth to review these truths over and over in their minds and to say them out loud.
“What’s more, you are also the future of the Church and of the world. Not only do I believe in you, but your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ believe in you,” he said.
He told youth they were sent to earth now because God knew they could be strong and courageous. They were not sent to Earth to fail, but sent to succeed and to help others succeed.
“As you follow Jesus Christ, you will have all the strength and courage you need to face opposition in this hazardous world,” President Nelson said. “I promise you that.”
President Nelson told the youth to learn how to receive personal revelation, and work on improving each day to recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost.
“He will help you know what to do and what not to do, where to go and where not to go. He will help you to discern who are your true friends and who are not. The Holy Ghost will give you strength and keep you safe,” he said.
Other principles President Nelson shared with the youth were the Word of Wisdom and the law of chastity. He promised them that obeying these commandments will give them physical and spiritual strength.
He invited the youth to prayerfully ask God to help them exercise stronger faith: “Faith in our Heavenly Father and His beloved Son combined with daily repentance will increase your access to godly power.”

A young man stands to bear testimony as the Santiago 1st Ward and Santiago 2nd Wards in the Santiago Philippines Stake gather for the day of testimonies on Sunday, October 22, 2023. Photo by Bishop Romulo R. Natural, courtesy of Church News. All rights reserved.The Prophet’s Promise for the Youth
President Nelson explained that if anyone felt that they had strayed off the covenant path too far or too long, this is not true. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, their future could be bright, even brilliant.
“Speak with your parents and your bishop or branch president. They will help you to get on the path of progress once again. Please come back to the joy and safety of the covenant path,” he said.
President Nelson said a life without God is a life filled with fear — but a life with God is a life filled with peace, joy and power. “Resolve to live your life with God.”
He concluded with his testimony that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are ready to bless them and will not forsake them. “You can do all things through Christ.”
Testimonies From President Freeman and President Lund
President Freeman and President Lund gave their messages in the Light of the World Garden at Utah’s Thanksgiving Point. The garden is full of large sculptures of Jesus Christ.

Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman bears her testimony at the Light of the World Garden in Lehi, Utah, during a recorded message shared for the Worldwide Day of Testimony on Sunday, October 22, 2023. Photo is a screenshot from the video, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.President Freeman stood in front of the statue called, “It is I, Be Not Afraid,” symbolizing when Jesus walked to His disciples on the water (Matthew 14:22-27).
“I have a firm testimony that Jesus Christ will come to us, that He will not forsake us, no matter what our story looks like,” President Freeman said.
She testified that she has known His grace and received His strength: “I know He lives because I have seen Him in my stories and I have felt His love. I love Him. He is my greatest friend.”
Through Him, people can do all things, she said.
President Lund chose the sculpture depicting the First Vision — where the Savior ministered to a teenager, Joseph Smith.
“It’s fascinating to me that Heavenly Father answered his prayer by first calling him by name. Heavenly Father knew him,” President Lund said.

Young Men General President Steven J. Lund bears his testimony at the Light of the World Garden in Lehi, Utah, during a recorded message shared for the Worldwide Day of Testimony on Sunday, October 22, 2023. Photo is a screenshot from the video, courtesy of Church News. All rights reserved.Then He introduced him to His Son, saying, “This is my beloved Son. Hear Him.”
“Our most important prayers will be answered as we come to better understand and know the Savior,” President Lund said. “As we pray to Heavenly Father, He will help us to know the Savior, and the Savior will help us to know everything else.”
The two General Officers invited the youth to gather again sometime this month for a lesson or activity to study the Prophet’s message. Then they invited the youth to bear their own testimonies and witnesses of how they have found faith in Christ.
Youth Gather Around the World
In the Durban South Africa Stake, youth from the Mayville Ward and Berea Ward met together to share their testimonies.

Young men and young women in the Banjul Branch in Gambia sit in a circle of chairs for the Worldwide Day of Testimony. Photo by Yanga Oluwadare, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.In West Africa, the young men and young women in Gambia’s new Banjul Branch participated as members of the only branch of the Church in the country. But Sister Emily Rowberry, who is serving there as a member and leader support missionary with her husband, Elder Greg Rowberry, knows this group of youth has potential and power.
“They truly are children of God, children of the covenant, and disciples of Jesus Christ. They are the future of the Church,” she said.
Philippines youth shared many of their thoughts on social media with the hashtag #AllThingsThroughChrist. Shiloh Sabaten from Santa Barbara, Philippines, wrote on Facebook, “I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. I know that He died for us. I know that through His Atonement we can be saved and we can go back to His presence again.”
Sarah D. Payac, a young woman in the Mandaue 2st Ward, posted a reel to Facebook, saying as people share their testimonies, they encourage others to seek and gain their own witness of the truthfulness of the gospel.

Youth in the Santiago 1st Ward and Santiago 2nd Wards in the Santiago Philippines Stake gather for the day of testimonies on Sunday, October 22, 2023. Photo by Bishop Romulo R. Natural, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.In the Santiago Philippines Stake, Santiago 2nd Ward Bishop Romulo R. Natural said this about their gathering with the Santiago 1st Ward:
“It is so good to listen to the testimony of these young men and young women. They all testified of the blessings of the restoration and living prophets and apostles. They also shared their witness of the blessings of studying the scriptures in ‘Come, Follow Me’ and in seminary.”
The Church’s Caribbean Area made a video of youth bearing their testimonies, including a young man named Jordan Smith who said, “I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer and I know that He died for our sins on the cross.”
From Brazil, Guaíba Jardim Ward Bishop Rafael Dos Santos Vargas in the Porto Alegre Brazil Moinhos de Vento Stake said about the gathering: “It was a very special meeting. Everyone bore their testimony. The Spirit was so strong that we were brought to tears.”
The testimony meeting for the Estrella Sur Ward in the Santiago Chile San Pablo Stake “was a unique and beautiful experience,” wrote Bishop Sebastián P. Hormazábal. “We poured out our love and heart toward our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, our Savior.”

Youth in the Temple 2nd Ward in the Waco Texas Stake take a picture at their gathering for the Worldwide Day of Testimony on Sunday, October 22, 2023. Photo by Bishop Paul A. Romer, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.Copyright 2023 Deseret News Publishing Company.