Since 1915, the family home evening program, established by Church leadership, has encouraged Latter-day Saint parents to build and strengthen family relationships. Today, “family home evenings” are generally held weekly on Monday nights.
A typical family home evening begins and ends with a prayer and usually includes singing, scripture reading, a short lesson on a religious or practical topic, and refreshments. Or, instead of a lesson, the family might participate in a service project or join in an activity together.
The concept of a united family that lives and progresses forever is at the core of Latter-day Saint doctrine. Within families led by a father and a mother, children develop virtues such as love, trust, loyalty, cooperation and service. 2012 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. |
Family home evenings are geared to involve all members of the family. The Church provides family home evening materials, lesson outlines and suggestions to help families of all faiths plan and implement this weekly time together.