On October 22, 2023, Latter-day Saint youth around the world are invited to gather for a first of its kind global youth testimony meeting to bear witness of Jesus Christ.
Church President Russell M. Nelson, Young Woman General President Emily Belle Freeman, and Young Men General President Steven J. Lund will participate in this meeting by sharing their testimonies in a short, pre-recorded message to be used in the meeting. This event is not a centralized broadcast.
Youth and leaders are encouraged to gather at 7 p.m.* local time on Sunday, October 22, to view the message and then share testimonies with one another. As youth gather and share locally, the world will be filled with testimony of Jesus Christ.
Below is a suggested outline for this meeting:
- Opening musical number and prayer by youth
- View the pre-recorded message (video will be about 20 minutes long)
- Testimonies from youth
- Closing prayer
- Post-event gathering as desired

This event is an opportunity to emphasize the youth theme “I Can Do All Things Through Christ” and for youth to share with their peers how their testimonies of Jesus Christ have grown over the past year.
Youth can connect globally during the 24 hours of testimonies by sharing their experiences using the hashtag #AllThingsThroughChrist.
*Start times may be adjusted as needed by local leadership
Language Versions
Spanish . Portuguese . French . Italian . German . Russian . Korean . Japanese . Chinese