Caring for the poor and those in need is a foundational belief of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Built on principles of sustainability, community support and personal agency, humanitarian relief efforts work to offer individuals and communities the tools they need to improve their own circumstances in permanent and meaningful ways.
Humanitarian service may include emergency response to natural or man-made disasters. It may also be part of a longer-term effort to meet serious and more entrenched human needs, such as alleviating disease, providing access to clean water, addressing food insecurity and childhood malnutrition and many other human challenges.
Kadidiatou Koné, a state nurse, vaccinates Sitan, 9 months old, against measles, yellow fever and meningitis in the presence of his mother, Djeneba Ongoïba, at the CSCOM community health center in Sévaré 2, Region, Mopti, Mali. UNICEF/UN0579558/Keïta |
In 1985, the Church of Jesus Christ created a humanitarian aid program in response to the Ethiopian famine. The Church called for a special fast and monetary donation among its membership. Since then, the Church has responded to many other needs around the world through the generosity of members and friends who donate to the Church’s humanitarian effort.
When a disaster strikes, Latter-day Saints work with local Church leaders, government officials and trusted organizations to determine what supplies and food are needed. Materials are then purchased or assembled locally or shipped from Church storehouses. After urgent needs are met, the Church looks for additional ways to aid in long-term efforts.
As a part of their worship practice, each month members observe a fast and donate the value of the meals missed to benefit other members in need. In addition, Church members offer their time, talents, compassion, materials and financial resources. These contributions are part of the “Lord’s storehouse” of resources to help His children regardless of race, gender, religion or situation.
As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, showing love to others through sharing resources and giving service is a fundamental part of our beliefs — and has been since the early days of the Church.
Learn more about the Church’s humanitarian efforts at